dianariyanto / virtual-display-linux

Create virtual display / monitor on linux OS for extended display via teamviewer or vnc server without any real Monitor is Plugged In.
MIT License
531 stars 45 forks source link

Not working Mint 20.1/Nvidia #15

Open agendi opened 2 years ago

agendi commented 2 years ago

Firstly, thanks for this project, its a cool goal and every tablet or phone that is turned into reusable realestate and not landfill is noble in my book. So much kudos on this work.

The second point is that while you can't control some of the HowTos that are being published using these scripts, I think that people aren't always explaining the fact that it doesn't work on NVidia as written. As a solution for that I feel that there should be a section on how to uninsitall/restore your config. I spent some time with a black screen with a flashing cursor which would have freaked many linux users out.

Can I suggest a "How to remove" section?

I resolved the issue the following: 1) Boot from a USB that has a live linux (eg. Ubuntu) 2) Mount the root directory 3) Open a terminal and cd /usr/share/X11/xorg.conf.d/ 4) sudo mv 20-intel.conf 20-intel.bak 5) reboot

This solution assumes that the user doesn't in fact have an intel GPU. Maybe your script could back up the 20-intel.conf if it exists and the fix is to rename the back up back?

Anyway just a suggestion.