dianariyanto / virtual-display-linux

Create virtual display / monitor on linux OS for extended display via teamviewer or vnc server without any real Monitor is Plugged In.
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Ubuntu 20.04 unable to boot properly after running Quick Setup instructions #16

Closed cardboardcode closed 2 years ago

cardboardcode commented 2 years ago

Hi all, this issue is created to record down a quick dirty workaround for the following issue.

This purpose of creating this issue is to record down this workaround and provide information to other repository users in the event they encounter this same critical error when using the present codebase.

Will close after posting.

Issue Description

Running the instructions as listed under Quick Setup caused Ubuntu 20.04.3 to boot up to a black screen with blinking cursor.


  1. Operating System: Ubuntu 20.04.3 LTS
  2. Intel CPU: Intel(R) Core(TM) i7-8700 CPU @ 3.20GHz
  3. GPU: Nvidia GeForce GTX 1060

Steps To Reproduce

cd $HOME
git clone git@github.com:dianariyanto/virtual-display-linux.git
cd vitual-display-linux
sudo ./vdl-monitor

Expected Behaviour

Computer reboots as per normal without error.

Actual Behaviour

Computer fails to boot to login screen, instead boots to black screen with flashing cursor.

Likely Cause of Error

It is likely due to the fact that I did not account for the fact that I am setting this up for a GPU-enabled environment. The 20-intel.conf generated by vdl-monitor bash script in this code-base has been confirmed to be main cause of why the computer is unable to boot properly.

Workaround :warning:

This workaround is NOT TO RECTIFY THE ISSUE but to revert the computer back to a previous usable state. Follow the steps below to do so.

  1. Reboot the computer.
  2. Once the Bios Startup Screen pops up, press Escape button on your keyboard to access the GNU GRUB Menu.

    But press the button slowly because pressing it too fast would cause you to skip the GRUB Menu entirely and enter the GRUB terminal interface immediately.

Confusing, huh? I know, right?

  1. Navigate to Advanced Options for Ubuntu.

  2. Navigate to any one of the Ubuntu kernel image and boot up in recovery mode.

  3. Navigate to root to enter into the terminal interface.

  4. Run the following command to login into your user account:

    sudo login
    # Enter your username.
    # Enter your password.

    If you encounter an error that looks like "System is booting up. Unprivileged users are not...", refer to this link to resolve: https://unix.stackexchange.com/questions/487742/system-is-booting-up-unprivileged-users-are-not-permitted-to-log-in-yet

  5. You are now in your own personal account via the terminal. Delete the 20-intel.conf file under the following directory by using the following command:

    sudo rm /usr/share/X11/xorg.conf.d/20-intel.conf
  6. Reboot. Your computer should now boot up as per normal.


To clarify, this issue is just for recordance and supplementary help for other users like me who face this issue. The real cause of the error is probably because I did not properly read the part of configuring this code-base for Nvidia GPU. Ultimately, hopefully with this workaround recorded, it would prevent much frustrations for those who would choose to nuke their PCs and reinstall their OS to solve the issue (which was what I nearly chose to do, amidst tight project deadlines).

cardboardcode commented 2 years ago

Closing as promised.