dianna-ai / dianna

Deep Insight And Neural Network Analysis
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Text experiements: test sentiments #465

Open elboyran opened 1 year ago

elboyran commented 1 year ago

Design a list of at least 25 positive and negative words using the sentiment scale of the Stanford sentiment treebank. One way to find out the sentiments is to use the browsing capability in the dataset above by limiting the sentence length to 3 words (possibly more tokens).

Another might be to look at the indexed original dataset's sentiment labels (normalized between 0 1nd 1)-

sentiment_labels.txt or other relevant files.

Here is the parent link to the original and derived datasets on Surfdrive.

Create 25 test sentences of length 3 containing the above words, one sentence each. Perhaps as simple as

This is terrible This is great This is marvelous

Stems from dianna-ai/dianna#445 and dianna-ai/dianna-exploration#187 (see for Practicalities).

elboyran commented 1 year ago

Blocking Text experiments dianna-ai/dianna-exploration#175, dianna-ai/dianna-exploration#184, dianna-ai/dianna-exploration#183 and dianna-ai/dianna-exploration#182

elboyran commented 1 year ago

Related to dianna-exploration PR 159.

@WillemSpek don't forget to link the issues here with the PRs in the other repo ;-)

elboyran commented 1 year ago

Also, there's something odd about this PR (159) - it links to the images code, not to the text one. I cannot locate the work you did for the text (it's not the the Text branch). Please, fix the code <-> PR link.

elboyran commented 8 months ago

Compiled a list of words (adjectives) from the Stanford movie reviews dataset to chose test data from for the Lorentz workshop ICT with industry usecase. Most of the words appear witht he same score over the reviews int he dataset! When I have found different score that's indicated next to the word.

list of sentiment adjectives found in the Stanford move reviews sentiment dataset and model

word positivity score (scale is from 1 (max negative) to 25 (max positive))

word positivity score(s)

baaaaaad 1

disgusting 1.75 dreadful 1.75

irritating 2

vulgar 2.3 horrible 2.3 unlikable 2.3

dissapointing 3 4.75 (combined with sligthly?) pathetic 3

pointless 3.3 bad 3.75 4

depressing 4.75 worst 4.75

dull 5 appalling 5

boring 5.3

stupid 5.75

monotonous 6 cold 6

terrible 6.3 bizzare 6.3

unimaginative 6.75

nasty 7 tired 7

pitiful 7.3

awkward 7.75 mean 7.75 flawed 7.75

clunky 8 painful 8

rotten 8.3

shrewd 8.75 13.3

ugly 9 disguised 9

cliched 9.3 creepy 9.3

pretentious 9.75

overwhelming 10 lacking 10

obvious 10.3 redundant 10.3

bewildered 10.75

awful 11
grouchy 11 manipulative 11 vague 11

coarse 11.75 12.3

dark 11.75 mercenery 11.75 sordid 11.75

freak 11.3

restrained 12

spiritless 12.3 pressed 12.3 satisfactory 12.3

conventional 12.75

serious 13 light 13 ironic 13 extreme 13 13.75

melodramatic 13.3 predictable 13.3

earnest 13.75 easy 13.75

fast 14.3 superficial 14.3 emotional 14.3

ballistic 14.75

driven 15

smooth 15.3

artful 15.75

silly 16

cerebral 16.3 comitted 16.3

acclaimed 16.5 artsy 16.75 stimulating 16.75

convinient 17 strong 17

exceeds 17.3

curious 17.75 gritty 17.75 gorgeous 17.75

subtle 18

poetic 18.3 interresting 18.3 charismatic 18.3

good 18.75

cinematic 14.3 19 astounding 19

fun 19.3 fantastic 19.3 pleasurable 19.3

good 19.75 appealing 19.75 funny 19.75 noteworthy 19.75

clever 20.3

engaging 20.75 happy 20.75

better 21 (also 19.75)

pretty 22 amusing 22 geniune 22

dazzling 22.75 entertaining 22.75 delightful 22.75

great 23.5

fabulous 24

brilliant 24.3

perfection 24.75

masterpiece 25

elboyran commented 8 months ago

Simplified to integer values and adjectives only:

word score

worthless 1 irritating 2 excruciating 3 bad 4 nasty 5 lackluster 6 dizzying 7 clunky 8 tedious 9 confusing 10 grimy 11 stagy 12 intimate 13 visual 14 indelible 15 beguiling 16 modest 17 inventive 18 ultimate 19 epic 20 better 21 successful 22 excellent 23 fabulous 24 spectacular 25