dib-lab / buoy

A project that will change everything. Or something. Or maybe nothing at all.
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Open ctb opened 7 years ago

ctb commented 7 years ago

https://www.nature.com/nbt/journal/v35/n5/full/nbt.3790.html - Discovering and linking public omics data sets using the Omics Discovery Index

ctb commented 7 years ago

National Microbiome Data Collaborative Town Hall: Envisioning a National Microbiome Data Collaborative (Sponsored by mSystems) The National Microbiome Data Collaborative (NMDC) will steward and enable the integration of a coordinated archive of all microbiome genomic information in a uniform format, to enhance discovery and analysis of sequence data with associated ???omics data and metadata. The Collaborative will have the capacity to integrate the growing stream of data over the next decade and will lead an international effort to set standards for microbiome data archiving globally. DESCRIPTION: The future of microbiome exploration and discovery requires a platform for integration of diverse data and metadata in uniform formats, as well as interoperable workflows and analytical tools. This ASM Town Hall meeting will engage microbiologists interested in the establishment of a National Microbiome Data Collaborative (NMDC) as a central reference point for the community of microbiome scientists in health, agriculture, environment, and earth sciences, as well as other academic, governmental and industry stakeholders. The NMDC is envisioned to capture and integrate microbiome data that would otherwise be lost or difficult to collect, collate, and analyze; provide ready access to quality controlled, standardized datasets and reference databases; and allow intercomparisons within and between diverse fields of microbiology.