dib-lab / elvers

(formerly eelpond) an automated RNA-Seq workflow system
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combine units prior to khmer #74

Open bluegenes opened 5 years ago

bluegenes commented 5 years ago

k-mer trimming and diginorm should happen on the full sample, not each sample-unit pair of files. We now have a function to do this (currently in the salmon rule) that can now be moved forward.


  1. There is some benefit to allowing users to fastqc each file separately to see quality. By default, should we: A. combine units at the very beginning of the workflow (get_fq) and only work at the sample level? B. combine units after trimmomatic, allowing pre-trimming fastqc at the sample-unit level, but nothing else.

  2. Is it worth it to enable pipelines on the sample-unit level, rather than just sample? We could provide an eelpond_params parameter for each program that we populate via a single flag in run_eelpond, or parameter in the main configfile. Otherwise, just move everything to the sample level.

cc: @ctb @ljcohen

johnsolk commented 5 years ago

Not sure if this is the best way. For combining files, I've written interleaved pairs first then use streaming command with wildcard, e.g.

interleave-reads.py {}{} {}{} | gzip > {}{}.interleaved.fq.gz
(zcat {}*.interleaved.fq.gz) && zcat {}{}.orphans.fq.gz | \\
(trim-low-abund.py -V -k 20 -Z 18 -C 2 - -o - -M 4e9 --diginorm --diginorm-coverage=20) | \\
(extract-paired-reads.py --gzip -p {}{}.paired.gz -s {}{}.single.gz) > {}{}.diginorm.log
rm -rf {}{}*.interleaved.fq.gz
bluegenes commented 5 years ago

I think that's what we do now? Or do you mean all samples should be combined prior to kmer trimming? https://github.com/dib-lab/eelpond/blob/master/rules/khmer/khmer.rule

johnsolk commented 5 years ago

kmer trimming and diginorm should be done only once all *.interleaved reads. so coverage is estimated across all samples rather than on each pair. the command now is taking output from each interleave paired reads step and running trim-low-abund and diginorm multiple times, e.g. 10 times rather than only once.

bluegenes commented 5 years ago

+1, but have definitely run into memory issues before with large datasets.

bluegenes commented 5 years ago

@ctb do you have any suggestions for ways to avoid writing (and then deleting) a bunch of intermediate files during the interleave-reads step? You mentioned potentially named pipes? Also have you run into memory issues, or is this something I shouldn't worry about so much?

bluegenes commented 5 years ago

It strikes me that we have two different needs for kmer-trimmed reads:

  1. sample-specific kmer-trimmed reads for sourmash
  2. single-file kmer-trimmed (& optionally diginormed) reads for assembly.

If sourmash is being run anyway, would we gain anything (e.g. reduced memory utilization) by first conducting file-specific (non-diginorm) kmer trimming first (save files to use with sourmash), then combining all files and conduct kmer-trimming + diginorm on all data together (save files for assembler)?

ctb commented 5 years ago

On Sun, Feb 03, 2019 at 06:28:47PM -0800, Tessa Pierce wrote:

It strikes me that we have two different needs for kmer-trimmed reads:

  1. sample-specific kmer-trimmed reads for sourmash
  2. single-file kmer-trimmed (& optionally diginormed) reads for assembly.

If sourmash is being run anyway, would we gain anything (e.g. reduced memory utilization) by first conducting file-specific (non-diginorm) kmer trimming first (save files to use with sourmash), then combining all files and conduct kmer-trimming + diginorm on all data together (save files for assembler)?

hmm memory utilization should not be a problem.

but yes, things can run in parallel as you say, which in some (many?) circumstances may be faster.

johnsolk commented 5 years ago

Suggested command for streaming interleave -> trim/diginorm -> extract. (found in my notes from 2018 with help from @standage :)

stream_diginorm_command = """(paste \\
<(cat {{{}}} | paste - - - - ) \\
<(cat {{{}}} | paste - - - - ) \\
| tr '\\t' '\\n'  ) | \\
(trim-low-abund.py -V -k 20 -Z 18 -C 2 - -o - -M 4e9 --diginorm --diginorm-coverage=20) | \\
(extract-paired-reads.py --gzip -p {}{}.paired.gz -s {}{}.single.gz) > /dev/null
""".format(filestring_1P,filestring_2P,new_dir, species, new_dir, species)