dib-lab / farm-notes

notes on the farm cluster
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cloning repos from github to your farm account with your github access credentials #40

Open ctb opened 2 years ago

ctb commented 2 years ago

If you have private repositories on github that you want to clone to farm, or want to be able to push to github repositories from farm, you'll need to make sure your farm account knows about your github account credentials.

To do this, you'll need a personal access token. Read on!

Create a personal access token (PAT) per GitHub instructions; you'll need to select the 'repo' scope for it, and I suggest using a 90 day expiration period.

::::warning The PAT is a long string of nonsense characters (usually starting with ghp_) that you will use in place of a password, below.

Be sure to save your PAT somewhere where you can find it.

You can run

git config credential.helper store

once so that your PAT will be stored in your account for you, too. ::::

Then, on farm, clone your repository with git clone. When prompted for a username/password, provide your github username along with your PAT as the password. voila!