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shell-literate Sphinx round2 #66

Closed mr-c closed 10 years ago

mr-c commented 10 years ago

I've been thinking about the approach I started in #30 a lot the last few days and several things bothered me.

The first thing that bothered me was the frequent use of .. shell:: start and .. shell:: stop tags. Not only are they noisy and easily forgotten about several screens down but they do create a warning message when you run Sphinx.

The other thing that bothered me was that we were going to have to eventually reimplement all of Sphinx's ReST parsing abilities & quirks. Clearly extending Sphinx is the way to go but as their documentation and code reveal their system isn't as easily extensible as they would have you think. Also: if we had to make a custom directive then our ReST files would still generate noisy warnings when others used our docs without our special setup.

To summarize the new requirements: 1) Be backwards compatible without generating warning messages 2) Don't extend Sphinx itself 3) Don't reimplement ReST parsing

As a bonus I implemented my totally new solution in Python.

How did I do it? I'll let the tool's docstring do the talking:

    1) Notate shell code that is to be both displayed and extracted with the
    "code-block" directive which has the highlight language specified as
.. code-block:: bash

   cd mydirectory

   2) Notate shell code that is to be extracted only and not displayed with a
   ReST comment that begins with "code-block-hidden"
.. code-block-hidden

   run mySecretSetupProgram.sh

   3) Use the Sphinx XMLBuilder to serialize your documentation to disk.
   Example: sphinx-build -b xml . build

   4) Use extract-shell.py to parse the XML files generated by the Sphinx
   XMLBuilder. Redirect the output as desired.
   Example: (ls build/mrnaseq/*.xml | xargs -n 1 ./extract_shell.py) > out.sh

I've updated mrnaseq/1-quality.txt as an example. You can see a rendered version of it at http://athyra.ged.msu.edu/~mcrusoe/khmer-protocols/mrnaseq/1-quality.html and the resulting extraction at http://athyra.ged.msu.edu/~mcrusoe/khmer-protocols/mrnaseq/1-quality.sh

I think the new method is easy to write and remember.

@LSheneman et al., what do you think?

camillescott commented 10 years ago

Yay for python! Are those hideous globals really the only way to do it though?

LSheneman commented 10 years ago

Closing this in favor of a complete and tested implementation, as well documented in #30