dibakarece / DMAudioStreamer

DMAudioStreamer library help you to integrate audio streaming in your application.
Apache License 2.0
143 stars 61 forks source link

Notification not showing on android pie #37

Open enyholar opened 4 years ago

enyholar commented 4 years ago

Notification not showing on Android Pie, what is the solution even when i fork the sample project from the library...notification still not showing on android pie

rogermule commented 4 years ago

Having the same issue here. Is there any solution?

IndinaAppworld commented 4 years ago

I also had an same issue its get resolved by putting the below mentioned permission in menifest.xml.


pavelsust commented 4 years ago

I have added android.permission.FOREGROUND_SERVICE but still now i don't get notification in my application.

hasnat-dev commented 4 years ago

Same .... In Android 10, media notification not working, even on lock screen notification widget not showing on Android 8.1.1.