dicarlolab / ThreeDWorld

Generator of interactive Unity-based 3D environments with physics
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Trouble with starting the 3D environment #66

Closed pbashivan closed 7 years ago

pbashivan commented 7 years ago

I'm having trouble connecting to the unity build through the client (tdw_client) and server (tdw_queue) scripts. I'm trying to load the old build (b05) on Richard's machine, connecting from my mac. The queue script receives the join request and assigns a port and shows that the tunnel is created:

nohup python /home/threed/forwards/forward.py --port=36370 --hostaddress= --forwardport=33798 --forwardhostaddress= forward port @ ->

However no images are received by the client and therefore the client remains frozen waiting for messages. And the server log shows that it is waiting for messages too. This the code I'm running:

tc = TDW_Client('', # "", username="Pouya", description="Test_movements", initial_command="request_create_environment", selected_build="TDW-v1.0.0b05.x86_64",
get_obj_data=True, send_scene_info=True) config = { "environment_scene": "ProceduralGeneration", "random_seed": 1,

Omit and it will just choose one at random. Chosen seeds are output into the log(under warning or log level).

"should_use_standardized_size": False,
"standardized_size": [1.0, 1.0, 1.0],
"disabled_items": [],
# ["SQUIRL", "SNAIL", "STEGOSRS"], // A list of item names to not use, e.g. ["lamp", "bed"] would exclude files with the word "lamp" or "bed" in their file path
"permitted_items": [],  # ["bed1", "sofa_blue", "lamp"],
"complexity": 5000,
"num_ceiling_lights": 4,
"minimum_stacking_base_objects": 5,
"minimum_objects_to_stack": 100,
"room_width": 45.0,
"room_height": 20.0,
"room_length": 45.0,
"wall_width": 1.0,
"door_width": 1.5,
"door_height": 3.0,
"window_size_width": 5.0,
"window_size_height": 5.0,
"window_placement_height": 5.0,
"window_spacing": 10.0,  # Average spacing between windows on walls
"wall_trim_height": 0.5,
"wall_trim_thickness": 0.01,
"min_hallway_width": 5.0,
"number_rooms": 1,
"max_wall_twists": 3,
"max_placement_attempts": 300

} tc.loadconfig(config) sock = tc.run() print(sock.recv()) for in range(3): msg = sock.recv() print('Message received!') pass

pbashivan commented 7 years ago

This issue was solved by terminating previous mongod processes and stopping the running X service. Readme file is now updated with more accurate instructions.