dicarlolab / ThreeDWorld

Generator of interactive Unity-based 3D environments with physics
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Basic Avatar with Moveable Bones #7

Open honeybunches-of-oates opened 8 years ago

honeybunches-of-oates commented 8 years ago

After Procedural Generation looks good, could we get a super basic Avatar running? It could even be as simple as the floating sphere with an arm made of two bones with a gripper at the end of the arm. We can make the mesh the same as the bone structure to keep it super simple. Doesn't need any custom textures, normal maps, or anything of that nature.

honeybunches-of-oates commented 8 years ago

Let me know if its also possible to write methods of moving the arm around (like grab object at point xyz, close and open hand, etc...), the sphere movements can be the same as they are now with axis rotation and translation. We can discuss the specifics at our meeting this week.

sharatb commented 8 years ago

I have an idea of experimenting with setting up a guide animation and trying to apply physics to match that arm motion. That way we can take advantage of Unity's IK system and try to get a relatively streamlined approach to working on different avatar forms. The downside is that it may take some more development time to get the first version up and running properly and we might not discover flaws in the plan until we've sunk some time trying to get it to work. However if it does work, I think it would be the most efficient for implementing more complicated avatar systems in a reasonable timeframe.