Something seems wrong with how models are being stored in the database. Despite having run this model for nearly 3 epochs (over the entire weekend), I can't find it anywhere in the database. Any ideas @yamins81?
Since I passed no arguments regarding where to save everything should just be the defaults:
Option Description Default
[--adp-drop <0/1> ] - Adaptive Drop Training [False]
[--check-grads <0/1> ] - Check gradients and quit? [0]
[--checkpoint-db-name <string> ] - Name for mongodb database for saved checkpoints [convnet_checkpoint_db]
[--checkpoint-fs-host <string> ] - Host for Saving Checkpoints to DB [localhost]
[--checkpoint-fs-name <string> ] - Name for gridfs FS for saved checkpoints [convnet_checkpoint_fs]
[--checkpoint-fs-port <int> ] - Port for Saving Checkpoints to DB [27017]
Something seems wrong with how models are being stored in the database. Despite having run this model for nearly 3 epochs (over the entire weekend), I can't find it anywhere in the database. Any ideas @yamins81?
Since I passed no arguments regarding where to save everything should just be the defaults:
Here was the exact command I used.