dice4321 / Gunkolle

This script was originally meant to execute kancolle expeditions but was repurpose for girls frontline (by Ryuuhou https://github.com/Ryuuhou/AHKanColle)
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is there way to stop disassemble other dolls after battle? #26

Closed sasahara00 closed 5 years ago

sasahara00 commented 5 years ago

would rather do that manually since I need to use large number of them,

if this is too much of change please discard the request,

thank you in advance

dice4321 commented 5 years ago

Alright, update to the new 0.4.5 version and set your DisassembleCycle to 999 and it should do as you want.

sasahara00 commented 5 years ago

thank you for such a quick update! how ever when I start 0.4.5 version I get on error of "Map or world invalid. Press enter after each field to submit"

older version works fine,

on the new version interval section is empty, I putted 1000 but doesn't work either.

sasahara00 commented 5 years ago

on version 0.4.4 if you set Enchantment=20 (didn't try anything higher) it stops disassembling dolls or does enchantment.

I am not sure how to get 0.4.5 to work ..

dice4321 commented 5 years ago

ah sorry, sorry, I messed something up, 0.4.5 should work now.

sasahara00 commented 5 years ago

now on new 0.4.5,

after formation, its unable to select dolls (carry), stuck on confirm on formation screen.

in multiple tries, some times does pass formation screen but on second filter reset (changing carry for 2nd time), it fails to select on second doll, this same error happened on 3 occasions .

dice4321 commented 5 years ago

If your having trouble with finding the Profile picture, you're going to have to create your own asset until I find another solution for this problem.

sasahara00 commented 5 years ago

downloaded hot fixed 0.4.5, now its having profile picture problem

0.4.4 works fine, so I used assets from 0.4.4, if I use assests from 4.4 its gets more bugger, it starts to removes 4th character and fail to switch dolls for drag. i'll try to create my own assets file and try to make 4.5 going..

going to use 0.4.4 for now, thank you so much for your effort and everything.

dice4321 commented 5 years ago

I know why that bug is happening. Going from the home screen to the formation screen, if it doesnt find the formation screen within 10 seconds, the script starts aggressively clicking the resend expedition button then back at the formation button until it finds formation screen. It works for me, but I should change that. Does it take a long time to load from the home page to the formation screen for you?

sasahara00 commented 5 years ago

some times it does take a bit to load, but no more than 3-4 seconds.. every time I launch new version, it effects me differently. so not hard to pin point the problem

dice4321 commented 5 years ago

Alright I fixed the problem with the 4th character bug, that shouldnt happen anymore, and went ahead and changed the 'Endturn' aswell, it should be fine just as long as you replace those carry doll assets. Also its not the 'Enchancement' you want to change to 20, its the 'DisassembleCycle' you want to change to 20 in 0.4.5.

sasahara00 commented 5 years ago

alright I will try it out,

thank you