dice4321 / Gunkolle

This script was originally meant to execute kancolle expeditions but was repurpose for girls frontline (by Ryuuhou https://github.com/Ryuuhou/AHKanColle)
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Nothing happen after start #30

Closed ReversalGM closed 5 years ago

ReversalGM commented 5 years ago

It just says formation. I have started on menu and did all steps following wiki

dice4321 commented 5 years ago

The formation button also relies on the background of your home screen, it needs to be the default background, is your background different?

ReversalGM commented 5 years ago

nope, the background is default, the t doll is ump 45. I switched to speed but nothing happen.

ReversalGM commented 5 years ago

nvm the problem is resolved after I restolred the default window size. more troubles in selecting m4a1 currently says filter

dice4321 commented 5 years ago

So youre at the formation screen and you have M4A1 on one of the first two slots? What are your dolls in your config file?

ReversalGM commented 5 years ago

m4a1 second slot of the first echelon

m4sopmodii first slot of the second echelon

SortieInterval=1000 MaxRandomWaitS=3000 MinRandomWaitS=3000 MinRandomWait=0 MaxRandomWait=0 WINID=ahk_class Qt5QWindowIcon PauseHr=9 PauseMn=00 ResumeHr=12 ResumemN=00 Doll1=M4A1 Doll2=M4SOPMODII WeaponType=AssaultRifle DisassembleCycle=3 ProductionTdoll=0 ProductionEquipment=0 Enchancement=0 LastXS=1302 LastYS=853

dice4321 commented 5 years ago

Im going to assume that the script went through the pixel shade offset and clicked something. Not sure what the problem is, I'm testing both compatible and speed mode and they both come out to be positive for a match.

ReversalGM commented 5 years ago

how do you use the debugger? gonna test to see if ti detect the image

dice4321 commented 5 years ago

you need to put 'dx' in the parameters. Go to line 169 in gunkolle.ahk and replace the line with FindClick(A_ScriptDir "\pics\" x, y "Center x" RandX " y" RandY " dx o" SearchNumber) and see what happends

ReversalGM commented 5 years ago

I mangaged to get ti working again, it says success

Okay it can now sucessfully slect m4 and advance to the next screen

stuck on pixel offshade [0]

dice4321 commented 5 years ago

So click back into the formation screen, did it find M4A1?

ReversalGM commented 5 years ago

yes it did. but the debugger screen is behind the nox player, so I moved the nox player, which moved the coordinates. so I relaunched everything, and now the debugger won't launch again, and its stuck on formation...

edit: restore windows fixed that


currently stuck on pixel shade offset[0]

it also correctly applies the 4* ar filters

dice4321 commented 5 years ago

Alright, so everything was because of your incorrect window size lol, go ahead and remove the 'dx' in line 169.

ReversalGM commented 5 years ago

removed the dx, leaving a space before the o. it can now go smoothly until confirm, after slecting filter.

dice4321 commented 5 years ago

I really cant pinpoint the problem if something is working one second then the next second its not working. Since the changing of the screen size was a problem twice, maybe try locking the screen,

ReversalGM commented 5 years ago

well thanks for the help. I set fixed window size and after I did that it ran smoothly past the ecehlon confirm page. however I forgot to set it to chapter 4 so it couldnt continue... meaning I had to restart it... which leads to it being stuck again, at the same point, and it did not fix again...

The program is fine just ;ll gonna try on differnt computer

ReversalGM commented 5 years ago

finally solved the issue was f.lux changing screen color making the pictures not able to identify images.

dice4321 commented 5 years ago

Weird, I have f.lux as well but it doesn't affect me.