dicekeys / seeding-webauthn

A spec for deriving FIDO key pairs from a seed
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Third rewrite #7

Closed UppaJung closed 4 years ago

UppaJung commented 4 years ago

I rewrote the spec (now key-derivation.md in this PR) to make it accessible to readers who are unfamiliar with the details of WebAuthN and FIDO2 and as I walked through everything carefully in detail.

The structure of credentialId hasn't changed, but a few things have.

UppaJung commented 4 years ago

@nickray Sorry -- one commit didn't make it into the original PR. Please look at updated one the file to look at is key-derivation.md

nickray commented 4 years ago

I'll look into reviewing this properly, a bit time pressed.

nickray commented 4 years ago

I'm reading through key-derivation.md top to bottom, adding my remarks. I'm skipping typos. Once we have all the details nailed, I think a rewrite might be useful to add back "flow".

These are opinions, please disagree where applicable.

Also apologies for this being lengthy! I'm a mathematician so I like things stripped down, logical and minimal...

To introduce notation, with HMAC = SHA256HMAC and H = SHA256, I'd set (I use seed for your seedKey)

idKey = HMAC(seed, 0x1)
macKey = HMAC(seed, 0x2)
derivationKey = HMAC(seed, 0x3)

and so far we'd have (I use "keyId" for your "uniqueId")

rpHash = H(rpId)
userHash = H(userId)

keyId = HMAC(idKey, rpHash || userHash) 
# irreversiblyEncryptedKeyId, really - rpHash || userHash is "the" key ID

credentialMac = HMAC(macKey, rpHash || 0x1 || keyId || extState)
credentialId = 0x1 || keyId || extState || credentialMac

Using hashes here makes the components fixed length (except extState), so e.g. prevents RP/user confusion. The order of version/uniqueId/extState in credentialMac and credentialId is chosen to be the same for mnemonic ease; I keep rpHash at the beginning in credentialMac as it's fixed length but leave credentialMac at the end in credentialId so the first byte can already be checked easily for future iterations. In other words, we can set (just new notation for emphasis, nothing new)

unauthenticatedAndUnboundCredentialId = 0x1 || keyId || extState
credentialMac = HMAC(macKey, rpHash || unauthenticatedAndUnboundCredentialId)
credentialId = unauthenticatedAndUnboundCredentialId || credentialMac

OK, so now we can generate key IDs, store them + state at the RP as anonymous, versioned credential IDs, and verify they were generated by us, for the RP in question, via the MAC. So we can simply set

privateKeySeed = HMAC(derivationKey, keyId)  # no more rpID

AFAIK there is no "generally shared" map: 32 bytes (privateKeySeed) -> P256 private key. If there is some RFC, let's use that, if not, we have to specify one. One procedure I could think of ("rejection sampling with iterated hashing", but this we should ask a cryptographer about) is:

  1. interpret the 32 bytes as little-endian integer S between 0 and 2^256 - 1
  2. if 1 <= S < order of the P256 group, use S to set private key = S * canonical generator (multiplication as Z-module)
  3. if not, set S = SHA256(S), and goto 1.


ADDENDUM: From a privacy perspective, we should not follow the "minimalism gone too far" approach sketched below, as this allows "cross-site user tracking" since all RPs have access to the same encryptedUserId value.

MINIMALISM GONE TOO FAR: Reviewing both this and my original proposal, from a minimalism perspective what I was thinking was that we could further simplify:

This still gives unique private keys because rpId is mixed into the credentialMac, and allows a high-level interpretation of "userId is the key", idKey as (irreversible) "(key) encryption key" (kek), macKey is a "(key) authentication key" (kak), and derivationKey is a "(key) derivation key" (kdk).

Then the constructions would collapse to:

kek = HMAC(seed, 0x1)  # or 0x65 for ASCII 'e' to avoid an unnatural "order"
kak = HMAC(seed, 0x2)  # or 0x61 for ASCII 'a'
kdk = HMAC(seed, 0x3)  # or 0x64 for ASCII 'd'
encryptedUserId = HMAC(kek, userHash)
unauthenticatedCredentialId = 0x1 || encryptedUserId || extState
bindingMac = HMAC(kak, rpHash || unauthenticatedCredentialId)
credentialId = bindingMac || unauthenticatedCredentialId
privateKeySeed = HMAC(kdk, bindingMac)
privateKey, publicKey = defined-procedure(privateKeySeed)
nickray commented 4 years ago

I implemented the core functionality pertaining to the spec as per my preceding comment as a possible reference: https://colab.research.google.com/drive/1liWfrX5J04pWqHo-cGIu0NZYrsUH51CT

UppaJung commented 4 years ago

I think we're mostly aligned except the three keys, which is unnecessary when you examine how HMACs work. Please check out these changes to the PR.

UppaJung commented 4 years ago

I believe the goal you're trying to accomplish by having multiple keys is a goal the designers of HMAC anticipated, built into how HMAC works, and so there's no need for additional keys/hashing. Adding another layer gets you zero additional security but additional implementation complexity.

In our application, with a 256-bit K

HMAC(K, m) = (H (K XOR opad) || H( K XOR ipad) || message)

Hashing the key before passing it to the HMAC is unnecessary because the second term in the outer hash function is already a hash derived from the key. So long as keys are unique, you're good.

nickray commented 4 years ago

On the three keys, I'm aware that they're not necessary vis a vis the properties of HMAC (the same would hold true if we took raw SHA-3 or any other hash that isn't vulnerable to length extension attacks).


Perhaps we could add that as a question to Joe, together with the 32B->P256 key issue?

Regarding extState, I've been wondering: If we store this in unencrypted form on each RP, they can all extract it and collude to track cross-site, assuming this state is sufficiently unique. Probably not an issue in practice, but I wanted to hear your thoughts. ~Fixing this would involve "reversible" encryption, so assumedly adding AES to the mix (it would be nice to avoid a second primitive), roughly AES-encrypt(HMAC(seed, rpHash), extState).~ EDIT: Never mind, I realized for your envisioned use case of "I don't know how to regenerate my seed" you won't.. have the seed, so if extState is encrypted, you're busted.

nickray commented 4 years ago

Regarding my dislike of the kind of intricate constructions you suggest, it might help if I explain how the "crypto core" service in our new firmware will work:

UppaJung commented 4 years ago

Regarding my dislike of the kind of intricate constructions you suggest, it might help if I explain how the "crypto core" service in our new firmware will work:

  • Client "apps" (like FIDO) can make "system calls" with general operations like "GenerateRandomKey(algorithm) -> key_handle", "Sign(key_handle, data) -> signature", "DeriveKey(key_handle, algorithm, parameters) -> new key_handle", etc.
  • At no time does the client have direct access to the secret key material (except well for the inital step where a key is generated from a given byte sequence, instead of via a software or hardware RNG), this is all handled by the crypto service.
  • I really think this is how crypto in general should work in such a firmware setup (it's modeled after PKCS#11 as the standard for a high-level crypto API), so doing something intricate and nonstandard like "something XOR (something OPERATION something)" requires custom methods, and in a way, breaking the abstraction.

Got it. So the requirement here is that the there is a small constant number of inputs to the key field that are all derivable from only the initial key. I'll revise to do that.

I'll separate the formulas from calculating all the fields from implementation details, such as the fact that you can precompute all the inputs to the key function.

UppaJung commented 4 years ago

We had three conceptual keys here. One was used to generate the unique id for the CredentialID. The only reason not to use the seedKey is to avoid creating an oracle by which an attacker can try to guess the seedKey. The new suggestion for deterministic calculating of a uniqueId accomplishes that.

I don't see why we need a different key for the MAC calculation and the random bit stream, but if you see a reason why it's necessary, one could make the mac key SHA256(seedKey). The formulas in the current proposal would change only in that

credentialMac = SHA256HMAC( SHA256(seedKey), rpId || version || uniqueId || extState)

and there would be an implementation note that you can pre-calculate SHA256(seedKey) and store it in safe key storage if you're worried about intermediate values being compromised.

conorpp commented 4 years ago

Sorry for the late review on this. I want to ask about the 256 associated data -- could we make this much smaller? 256 bytes more than doubles the minimum state needed for Solo. While it could work, I think it's a bit of a hefty requirement for embedded devices and would be much better if we could do with less, say, in the 32-64 byte range.