Open Tom1009 opened 3 years ago
Not currently, but if we do write one, I'll link to it here.
thank you for your answer. What does the global DIC parameter "regularization constant" mean? I want to know how to determine the parameters.
The regularization constant is the weight added the regularizing term in the formulation. In the default case, the regularization is a Horn-Schunk type smoothing of the gradient of the displacement field i.e. alpha * grad(u):grad(u) where alpha is the regularization term. For high values of alpha, the solution is smoothed more and more. For low values of alpha, a lot of noise can get introduced into the solution. It's somewhat of a balancing act to get alpha correct.
thank you! What does the global DIC parameter "gauss filter image" mean? I want to know how to determine the parameters. And I found the following treatise, but has it been resolved?
I'm sorry for the many questions.
The gauss filter image parameter applies a Gaussian filter to the images prior to doing the DIC, the value of the filter is the size of the filter window.
Thanks for this nice software.
I have a pdf file that explains the local algorithm, but is there a pdf file that explains the global algorithm?
Sorry for my inconvenience in English.