dicengine / dice

Digital Image Correlation Engine (DICe): a stereo DIC application that runs on Mac, Windows, and Linux
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Error when visualizing subsets and running 2D analysis #271

Open cb022 opened 2 years ago

cb022 commented 2 years ago

I am running DICe version 2 on Windows. When I try to preview the sssig mask or run the 2d analysis, I receive the following error:

**Console output:

loading GUI state and preferences from C:\Users\carlabassil.dice.js writing input file C:\Users\carlabassil\OneDrive - Texas A&M University\Desktop\DIC Code\VL2\input.xml input.xml file has been successfully saved writing parameters file C:\Users\carlabassil\OneDrive - Texas A&M University\Desktop\DIC Code\VL2\params.xml params.xml file has been successfully saved writing subset file C:\Users\carlabassil\OneDrive - Texas A&M University\Desktop\DIC Code\VL2\subset_defs.txt

Digital Image Correlation Engine (DICe) git: v3.0-beta.6 MPI: disabled Data type: double Storage type: double Copyright 2021 National Technology & Engineering Solutions of Sandia, LLC (NTESS) ** Report bugs and feature requests as issues at https://github.com/dicengine/dice


Throw number = 1

Throw test that evaluated to true: 1

XML parse error at line 3: entity reference not well-formed: invalid character**

Please advise on how I can resolve this issue.

Thank you!

dicengine commented 2 years ago

Is there a particular reason you are using version 2.0 instead of the most recent: https://github.com/dicengine/dice/releases/tag/v3.0-beta.6 ?

I'm not sure why you are getting the error above, but it would be hard for us to debug an older version of DICe.

cb022 commented 2 years ago

I was following the 2d analysis video posted on the website, and they used the version 2.0. However, after installing the most recent version, I am still getting the same error.

dicengine commented 2 years ago

I wonder if it has to do with the ampersand in the file paths. Have you tried it on a local directory instead of onedrive?

cb022 commented 2 years ago

That fixed it, thank you!