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Digital Image Correlation Engine (DICe): a stereo DIC application that runs on Mac, Windows, and Linux
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Crack propagation on fatigue tests #276

Open mpaes15 opened 1 year ago

mpaes15 commented 1 year ago

Hi there, Iam trying to use DICe for crack propagation study on fatigue tests. Iam using both versions 2 and 3 because I have added a live point is the crack tip but I have a couple of doubts as below:


dicengine commented 1 year ago

Can you rephrase your first bullet? I'm not sure I understand the question. You can add live points by simply right (or middle) clicking in the image in Version 3 of DICe, depending on how your mouse is mapped.

mpaes15 commented 1 year ago

So, in the first bullet, I mean, what is the unit of "Displacement X"? Pixels, mm? Picture below clarify that. I suppose that the numbers "-2", "-2.5" in the "y" axle is related to number of "subset size" in pixels as I defined, e.g., 33 pixels. After that, as I know in my computer 1 pixel is equal to 0.007mm, I convert from pixel to mm. For exemple: Displacement X equal to 2

Can I conclude that the point "-2" in axle "Displacement X," means that the point I defined deslocated by 0.462mm?

Deslocamento pto 1 por frame

dicengine commented 1 year ago

The displacement in the plot is in terms of pixels. I don't know how you calibrated your system so I can't comment on what it means in terms of physical displacement, but the units of the plot are in pixels. The subset size is not involved in what's plotted.