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Digital Image Correlation Engine (DICe): a stereo DIC application that runs on Mac, Windows, and Linux
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Calibration and threshold #291

Open KamalHAR opened 1 year ago

KamalHAR commented 1 year ago

During the camera calibration there is some tools that can be used in the pattern options (auto threshold, thresholding constant ,use adaptive(adaptive thresh constant and block size),what does it serves, how to use it and what is the difference between them.

dicengine commented 1 year ago

Thes options are helpful if the autothreshold doesn't work for some reason (you have poor contrast, etc.). The only difference between the auto and manual thresholding is that for the auto thresholding the OpenCV threshold method gets called with a series of increasing thresholds until the three marker dots are found. For the manual option, only one threshold is used. The adaptive thresholding is used when the image has lighting that changes over the field of view (some regions brighter than others). The details for the adaptive method are here: https://docs.opencv.org/3.4/d7/dd0/tutorial_js_thresholding.html