dickinson-comp190 / GitKit-FarmData2-S24

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Links to FarmOS API Need to Point to v1 #55

Open wpgoble opened 8 months ago

wpgoble commented 8 months ago

A number of links to the farmOS API (e.g. on CONTRIBUTING.md and ONBOARDING.md) point to the latest version of the farmOS API. FarmData2 is currently using version 1 of the farmOS API and thus all links should point to that one. The correct link appears in the FarmOS API section of the ONBOARDING.md file. All documentation should be searched for links to the new API and any found should be replaced with a link to the v1 API documentation.

Issue by braughtg Friday Apr 22, 2022 at 17:07 GMT Originally opened as https://github.com/DickinsonCollege/FarmData2/issues/448

wpgoble commented 8 months ago

Hello, can I be assigned to this

Comment by ezinneanne Saturday Apr 23, 2022 at 16:13 GMT

wpgoble commented 8 months ago

Yes. Thanks for asking! Just ask if you have any questions.

Comment by braughtg Saturday Apr 23, 2022 at 16:54 GMT

wpgoble commented 8 months ago

The locations where this link appears are:

farm@farmdata-VirtualBox:~/FarmData2$ grep -r "https://farmos.org/development/api" .

./ONBOARDING.md:Interacting with FarmData2 requires a basic familiarity with git and GitHub. 
FarmData2 development uses a fairly standard web technology stack including HTML, CSS, Bootstrap, 
JavaScript, and Vue.js. The front-end accesses FarmData2 data through the [FarmOS API]
(https://farmos.org/development/api/) using the [Axios](https://github.com/axios/axios) library. 
End-to-end testing is done using the [Cypress framework](https://www.cypress.io/). The automation, 
configuration and back-end development of FarmData2 use a number of other technologies including 
Drupal, drush, FarmOS, Docker, docker-compose and bash scripting.

./farmdata2_modules/fd2_tabs/fd2_example/api.html:  FarmData2 accesses, stores and manipulated its 
data through the farmOS system using its API.  
The farmdata2_modules/FarmData2/fd2_tabs/resources/FarmOSAPI.js 
file provide a library of JavaScript convenience functions for accessing the 
<a href='https://farmos.org/development/api/'>farmOS API</a>.

./CONTRIBUTING.md:Interacting with FarmData2 requires a basic familiarity with git and GitHub. 
FarmData2 development uses a fairly standard web technology stack including HTML, CSS, Bootstrap, 
JavaScript, and Vue.js. The front-end accesses FarmData2 data through the [FarmOS API]
(https://farmos.org/development/api/) using the [Axios](https://github.com/axios/axios) library. 
End-to-end and component testing is done using the [Cypress framework](https://www.cypress.io/).

Comment by braughtg Monday Apr 25, 2022 at 14:15 GMT