dickontoo / inverter

SolaX PV Inverter data dumper
GNU General Public License v2.0
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Inverter ip #1

Open sommo opened 6 years ago

sommo commented 6 years ago

I cant figure how to let it work with Solax inverter that has wifi integrated, so its the inverter itself to push out data, not with an external datalogger

dickontoo commented 6 years ago

The datalogger is embedded in the inverter.

What inverter are you using, what commandline are you trying to use?

sommo commented 6 years ago

Inverter Solax SK-SU5000, I cant find server menu under advanced tab

sommo commented 6 years ago

I have basic-monitor-system in the menu (from inverter http page). If i go to http://ipinverter/adv.htm there is an hidden page show Wlan Drvier Version and other stuff.. also i can’t change default password (it seems that is light http webserver version)

dickontoo commented 6 years ago

Does the landing page look like the one in https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7oz1PqfQmC8 ?

sommo commented 6 years ago

Absolute not, the inverter webpage is different also if it is a Solax inverter, i don’t have this menu, ma te you could Point me to the internal htm link to the advanced configuration.. like i said i found an adv.htm (not linked anywhere) but is not useful

sommo commented 6 years ago

i have this menu: https://www.solaxpower.com/wp-content/uploads/2017/01/WiFi-Set-UP-Guide%C2%A3%C2%AESolaX-Portal.pdf

dickontoo commented 6 years ago

Unfortunately, it's one big(gish) Javascript application, so the advanced settings page doesn't have a URL as such.

I'm not quite sure what to suggest. If you nmap it, does it show any useful open ports?

sommo commented 6 years ago

these: PORT STATE SERVICE 80/tcp open http 783/tcp filtered spamassassin 1126/tcp filtered hpvmmdata 5901/tcp filtered vnc-1 7911/tcp filtered unknown 9003/tcp open unknown

dickontoo commented 6 years ago

It looks like they've changed dataloggers completely, then. You might have some luck prodding 5901, 7911, or 9003, but I've no idea I'm afraid.

sommo commented 6 years ago

changed to a bad solution, cause i can't change dafult password and stop the inverter to leave an ssid open.

i can extract all the data, pointing to http://ipinverter/api/realTimeData.htm

but can't manage it.

how could i prodding those ports? thank you

deece commented 6 years ago

@sommo How did you even discover the realtime data page?

sommo commented 6 years ago

By googling via forum. But i cant manage the data output

deece commented 6 years ago

I found a description of the fields here: https://community.home-assistant.io/t/solax-solar-inverter-setup-guide/48008

deece commented 6 years ago

@sommo I had a quick hack at pulling the data from the realTimeData page, and am successfully feeding it into my OpenEnergyMonitor instance. My script is here: https://github.com/InfernoEmbedded/solax_monitoring

sommo commented 6 years ago

@deece , how could i use it? i need to copy solax_scraper.py and execute it (for example via rasberry on the same lan of my inverter), but i checked the code, and can't find where to put inverter ip address, also my emon credential..

deece commented 6 years ago

copy config-sample.toml to config.toml, then edit it. Probably best to chat there, rather bugging dickon for code he isn't responsible for ;)