dickreuter / Poker

Fully functional Pokerbot that works on PartyPoker, PokerStars and GGPoker, scraping tables with Open-CV (adaptable via gui) or neural network and making decisions based on a genetic algorithm and montecarlo simulation for poker equity calculation. Binaries can be downloaded with this link:
GNU General Public License v3.0
1.96k stars 501 forks source link

Tutorial how to use the pokerbot (for noobs) #197

Open Slimbips opened 11 months ago

Slimbips commented 11 months ago

Pokerbot Tutorial:

For this tutorial i use GGpoker as an example.

1) Open a cash game with 6 players in GGPoker 2) Place the pokergame in the middle of your screen and make a screenshot while its your turn and cut the pokertable so it looks like the picture below and save it on your desktop. pokertable screenshot

3) Open the pokerbot and click on the table setup 4) Choose from the list of the templates: Offical GGPoker and click load template 4b) under "create new template" fill in your name of your template and click copy to new (becease u cant edit the basic one). 5) Now drag your screenshot to the "Full screenshot" area and it will look like the picture below

screenshot in table

6) Now it wants you to click in the top left corner and click again a bit to the right and down so you select the part highlighted in the screenshot and click on the "crop from top left corner" mark top left corner

Dont resize your pokergame just leave it as big when u made the screenshot or else it gets confused.

WARNNG!: be sure to check if u have the right deck of cards used in your pokersoftware or else it will not recognise your cards In this image below u see i clicked on the V (view) next to the JD (Jack Diamonds) and it displays at where the arrow goes check some of the cards to see if you are using the same deck or else IT WONT RECOGNISE YOUR CARDS!!. Also be sure u have sett the language to ENGLISH as all the templates are made in english this far, becease the template will search for the "call" button, but if u have the game in french your button will be called "miser" button so the bot doesnt recognise the button


if u want an template in other language u need to create one

7) on the right u see "search areas" click on the "show" button next to "Buttons search area" it should look like this button search area

If it doesnt look like this u have to select the top left corner and than the bottom right corner so u have the same image like me and than click "Buttons search area" to save it.

8) than u click on the "show" button next to "Call Button" and it should look like this.... if not u create it and save.

Call button

do this with all the buttons.

9) the "My turn" search area should look like this

my search area

10) and "My Turn" image should look like this

my turn image

it will search in that area for this specific piece of the game (so it detects when its your turn)

do all the images like i showed.

11) go to the players tab

player 0 = you player 1 = on to the left player 2,3,4,5 as u see in the screenshots above

Dealer button search area should sett for every player where the dealer button appears when they have it. player name area is the area of their name ofcourse the funds is important that u dont let the $ sign in front of it... it will detect it as a 1 or 7 or smth.... sett it like the screenshot below

player funds

the rest of the buttons u should figured out now

12) VERY IMPORTANT: go to the tab "Cards" and on the bottom u see "left card area" and "right card area", it is very important that u select the number and the image of the card without any background of the table so only the white part of the card like the image below


same for the other card

13) than u click on the tab "test" and click test all and open the cmd (black screen part of the bot) and read (screenshot below) console

u can see it sees my cards as JS and 8D and thats correct it sees that its my turn as "True" Dealer found at position 5... position 5 is player 5 here it sees the call and the raise button it sees all the player funds etc... so its working as it should

now u save your template and restart the pokerbot choose your template at the red mark as shown below


click on the start button and than click on your pokergame wich should be in the middle of your screen (your pokergame should be in the front) when u alt tab away from the pokergame it doesnt find your top right corner anymore and the bot stops working.

this is a quick tutorial, i will update this soon to perfect it.

have fun

mendokusai1 commented 1 month ago

Is it still working? Do I need to use VM? GGPoker is not accepting VM...