dickwolff / Export-To-Ghostfolio

Convert transaction history export from your favorite broker to a format that can be imported in Ghostfolio.
Apache License 2.0
46 stars 8 forks source link

DeGiro conversion failing #78

Closed huub66 closed 4 months ago

huub66 commented 4 months ago

When using the docker instance I get the following error when trying to convert a freshly downloaded DeGiro transaction list;

export-to-ghostfolio@1.0.0 watch tsx ./src/watcher.ts

[i] Watching /var/tmp/e2g-input.. [i] Found ._Transactions.csv! [i] Determined the file type to be of kind 'freetrade'. [i] Found Transactions.csv! [i] Determined the file type to be of kind 'degiro'. [i] Restored 0 ISIN-symbol pairs and 0 symbols from cache.. [i] Processing file using Freetrade converter [i] Restored 0 ISIN-symbol pairs and 0 symbols from cache.. [i] Processing file using DeGiro converter [e] An error ocurred while processing. [e] Error details: Error: An error ocurred while parsing! => undefined [e] Moving file to output.. [i] Stop container as usePolling is set to false.. npm notice npm notice New minor version of npm available! 10.5.2 -> 10.8.0 npm notice Changelog: https://github.com/npm/cli/releases/tag/v10.8.0 npm notice Run npm install -g npm@10.8.0 to update! npm notice

file format: Transactions.csv

Could you support understanding this issue?

dickwolff commented 4 months ago

Thanks for reporting. I will check it tomorrow!

dickwolff commented 4 months ago

I have added more detailed logging that shows what's wrong with a CSV file for future reference.

In your case, I see you have exported data from the Transactions tab. The tool does not support that format. You'll need to export the Account statement tab data. Reason being the Transaction tab does not contain dividends, fees, etc.
