Closed asterix778 closed 4 months ago
When you run the DEGIRO converter, it will look for the currency inside your export file. This usually works for finding the correct match. EUR securities do have an EUR value in the export. Which specific securities give you trouble? Maybe you can provide me with a partial export, so I can look into it.
variables does not work with DEGIRO, as this is a XTB specific setting.
Al stocks give this error. Might it be a problem that the csv file contains the stock price in usd and the total kost is in euro? Im going to give it a shot to disable the setting you said and remove the euro currency on the stocks where it has been payed in usd. Thx for your responds!
If you buy a stock, the local currency is represented in the DEGIRO export. So if you buy GOOG, which is USD, the export should have USD.
Could you maybe send me the export part that gives you troubles? That allows me to look into it better. Thanks!
I tried the following i removed alot of columns and the message changed to: [i] Starting Export to Ghostfolio v0.16.0 [i] Restored 0 ISIN-symbol pairs and 0 symbols from cache.. [i] Processing file using DeGiro converter [e] An error ocurred while processing. [e] Error: An error ocurred while parsing! Details: Invalid Record Length: columns length is 12, got 5 on line 2
these are the rows i left in: Datum ISIN FX Mutatie 19-07-2024 US22788C1053 USD -310.85
the original file is the following with an example:
Datum Tijd Product ISIN Beurs Uitvoeringsplaats Aantal Koers Lokale waarde Waarde Wisselkoers Transactiekosten en/of Totaal Order ID 17-07-2024 15:36 MICROSOFT CORPORATION US5949181045 NDQ ARCX -1 443 USD 443 USD 404.83 EUR 1.0943 -2 EUR 402.83 EUR dd60652f-eaf6-4ba5-8b77
with this i get the first error and the one below [e] Error: An error ocurred while parsing! Details: Invalid Record Length: columns length is 12, got 19 on line 2
hope this helped if you need more info or other information let me know
Thanks for reporting. I will download an export of my own and check it. Your error indicates it’s something with your export, as the tool expects 12 or so columns and your export for some reason has 19.
I see, you've used the Transactions.cvs file. The tool supports only the Account.csv file (next tab).
For now, I'll add a warning for this in the tool, stating to use the correct export. For the future, I'll look into adding support for the Transactions.csv as well.
Closing this issue due to not supporting this format (yet). As stated, I will put it on the backlog.
when i run the npm run start degiro with my file in it it says at all stocks "x with currency USD! please add this manually with currency EUR" this is the same for EUR stocks.
is there a way to fix this ?
i tried changing these lines: XTB_ACCOUNT_CURRENCY = "EUR" XTB_ACCOUNT_CURRENCY = "USD" but that didn't help