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Jetbrains Commands Updates #848

Closed ambroseya closed 3 years ago

ambroseya commented 3 years ago

Jetbrains Commands Updates


The documentation for the Jetbrains rules was clearly out of date with the code. I made code changes and then updated the documentation to match the code, so the documentation changes do look like I may have made more changes than I actually did.

Of note, I renamed the commands: "auto complete" to "find action". This shortcut previously coded opens a find dialog to find actions in the code. It does nothing even close to resembling auto complete.

"replace" to "replace [here]" - replace is currently getting overridden by the core replace and therefore broken. As referenced in gitter chat, this could also be resolved with a weighting workaround, but I figured adding an extra word of specificity would allow this to fallback to replace if kaldi does implement app specificity overriding global at a later time. Works well in practice.

"go [to] project" to "go tool ". In Jetbrains the first 9 tools have a number corresponding to them and work with this shortcut. The keyboard shortcut happening for "go [to] project" has never been go to project, as far as I can tell, after looking at shortcut mappings for multiple jetbrains projects. It appears to me that this shortcut has always been toggling the different tool panes.

I also added support for Webstorm and 18 entirely new commands which should be obvious in the diff.

Motivation and Context

Compared to other IDEs there were significant missing commands. I use WebStorm every day.

How Has This Been Tested

Tested each command that was applicable, on WebStorm 2020.2. I did not edit commands which do not work in WebStorm, although I did notice some in the IntelliJ shortcut reference. I do not have a license for IntelliJ IDEA.

Types of changes


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