The WxPython package is not well maintained holding back Natlink from using > Python 3.10. Not only that but it is complicated use compared to PySimpleGui
PySimpleGui can use TK | TK 2.7 | Qt | WxPython | Web (Remi). For our purposes TK is way to go as a standard python library.
The WxPython package is not well maintained holding back Natlink from using > Python 3.10. Not only that but it is complicated use compared to PySimpleGui
PySimpleGui can use TK | TK 2.7 | Qt | WxPython | Web (Remi). For our purposes TK is way to go as a standard python library.
Any text sg.Input/sg.I with enable_events=True will fire the event with every keystroke. This is a problem when editing the a path in the input field.
use getUserDirectory() to get UserDirectory from ini other logging levels Vocola/Unimacro package not installed Button to open dir from text inputbrowse button will do thisDocs PySimpleGui Reference
Docs for sg.Input/sg.Text/sg.FolderBrowse/sg.FileBrowse/sg.Checkbox
Get the value from the input field with key 'Set_UserDir_Natlink' and set it as the UserDirectory
Hidden Columns logic
Dispatch events to call appropriate config function.
Performing long operations and threading thats not used at the moment but might be useful in the future