When span.requests is used thru the "setval" message, it should :
Set the value into the corresponding key in projectfile key of span.dict
2." Set the value into the corresponding key ont the root-level of span.dict"
Save the project (update values which are under projectfile key and export it to the project-file on the Hard Drive.
I guess this must be in span.requests as we're considering span as a database, value a settings in the database directly modify the db itself.
But why do we need this root-level? If we are using two files, a preferences-file and a project-file. We should have all the structure in the project-file, and maybe have on the root-level only data which are ONLY in RAM, never saved… I think abour namespace for exemple.
Like that each time we're using the "setval" message to span.requests, we're skipping the step 2. : " Set the value into the corresponding key ont the root-level of span.dict"
Of course requests are not very user-friendly if we have to use "projectfile" all the time… So maybe "projectfile" key is useless.
When export the project, the mechanism will ask for all keys of span except namespace and preferences. This is not a pain as this mechanism is unique and really in the heart of span.
When span.requests is used thru the "setval" message, it should :
I guess this must be in span.requests as we're considering span as a database, value a settings in the database directly modify the db itself.
But why do we need this root-level? If we are using two files, a preferences-file and a project-file. We should have all the structure in the project-file, and maybe have on the root-level only data which are ONLY in RAM, never saved… I think abour namespace for exemple.
Like that each time we're using the "setval" message to span.requests, we're skipping the step 2. : " Set the value into the corresponding key ont the root-level of span.dict"
Of course requests are not very user-friendly if we have to use "projectfile" all the time… So maybe "projectfile" key is useless. When export the project, the mechanism will ask for all keys of span except namespace and preferences. This is not a pain as this mechanism is unique and really in the heart of span.
What do you think about?