diddi- / flask-seeder

Flask extension for seeding database
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Is there a good way to call the seeder from within a pytest fixture? #17

Open johnoooo opened 1 year ago

johnoooo commented 1 year ago

I want to seed an in-memory Sqlite3 database as part of a pytest fixture.

The documentation of flask-seeder just describes calling the seeder via the CLI. A quick trial to call seed_run() seems to work with some nasty hacks, but is obviously not the intended way of calling.

My current code (excerpt):

from flask_migrate import upgrade
from flask_seeder.cli import seed_run

def fixture_app():
    app = create_app(TestingConfig())

    # setup the database
    with app.app_context():
        seed_run(args=[], standalone_mode=False)

    yield app

Are there better ways to achieve this task with flask-seeder?

As there is apparently no other entry point in the code for running the seeds, might this be a feature to add?