diddi- / flask-seeder

Flask extension for seeding database
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Add email generator #9

Closed vallode closed 3 years ago

vallode commented 3 years ago

Adding an email generator would be useful for many cases of user seeding. Any guidence on getting this merged in is appreciated, great project.

vallode commented 3 years ago

That makes sense, I took the domain names from the open dns domain list: https://github.com/opendns/public-domain-lists

Potentially we just populate domains.txt with a much smaller sample of domains you mentioned. I think that sounds good. I'll get around to this and the other test improvements tomorrow.

Thanks for the quick review :+1:

diddi- commented 3 years ago

I forgot, could you please also add this to the list of available generators in the README to help future users finding it.

vallode commented 3 years ago

I updated the domain list with just a dozen or so domains I could think of @diddi- Not sure how many more we would need but I think it's a good start. Potentially we could generate them using some sort of mad libs thing.