diddlesnaps / makemkv

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Unable to access removable media #4

Closed suprkain closed 4 years ago

suprkain commented 4 years ago

I installed the snap from Ubuntu software and the program cannot access my 2nd internal hard drive. I gave it permission to Read/write files on removable storage devices but I do not see it anywhere

lucyllewy commented 4 years ago

Your removable storage must be mounted to either /media/$USERNAME/*, or /run/user/$UID/gvfs/*, or /mnt/* any other location is not accounted for by the "Read/write files on removable storage" permission.

suprkain commented 4 years ago

I navigated to /media/$USERNAME from within the terminal and am able to see and access my 2nd hard drive. I also went to my 2nd hard drive from within Nautilus and right clicked and choose "Open in Terminal". I then did a pwd and got /media/$USERNAME/Delta (which is my second hard drive)

suprkain commented 4 years ago

Also when I try to navigate via the file manager from within the makemkv snap I do not see /media at all.

suprkain commented 4 years ago

I click Computer--> / but then I do not see media even though I gave it permission to through the ubuntu store.

kz6fittycent commented 4 years ago

I wondering if you need to run sudo modprobe usb-storage?

I know that's maybe counterintuitive but it's easy enough to give it a try.

The other idea is to try running the snap in --devmode and see if anything changes.

P.S. You can see if that module is present or whatever other module IS present with:

lsmod | grep usb

It might be usbcore or usbcommon, depending on your kernel version; I will try testing this tomorrow when I can.

suprkain commented 4 years ago

I tried snap run makemkv --devmode but that did not change anything. I tried lsmod | grep usb and did not see usbcore or usbcommon. What I get is below: btusb 57344 0 btrtl 20480 1 btusb btbcm 16384 1 btusb btintel 24576 1 btusb bluetooth 581632 31 btrtl,btintel,btbcm,bnep,btusb,rfcomm usb_storage 77824 1 uas

I am running kernal version 5.3.0-23-generic.

As far as modprobe usb-storage would this affect and internal hard drive? I tried it however but with no luck.

kz6fittycent commented 4 years ago

Try running sudo modprobe usb_storage

I think I misspoke before.

suprkain commented 4 years ago

I'm not sure if it helps but with other Snaps when I go to look for files it opens Nautilus but when I go through Makemkv snap the file manager looks different than the standard Nautilus.

kz6fittycent commented 4 years ago

LOL, it might help if I READ your issue. I didn't realize this was an internal hard-drive!!

In the application (MakeMKV), instead of looking for the drive, try typing it in the file name field below:

File> Open files > (Next to "File name:") Type the path to the internal drive (e.g. /mnt/extra_drive or /extra_drive)

Peek 2019-11-17 20-12

Also, if you're not sure what the path for that drive is, you can run findmnt from your terminal to see how it's really mounted.

It might not be in mounts, it can just be part of the / directory as is the case for one of my PC's (i.e. /data01/).

kz6fittycent commented 4 years ago

Here's another example where I'm looking for it in /run/media. I realize this isn't your case but it's just another example of what I'm talking about:

Peek 2019-11-17 20-29

suprkain commented 4 years ago

I am able to see it if I manually type it in. I thought I had tried that early but I guess not. Not sure why an internal hard drive is showing up in media and not mount but I'll figure that out. Thanks for your help.