diddlesnaps / supertuxkart

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Gamepads not recognized #9

Closed qwertychouskie closed 4 years ago

qwertychouskie commented 5 years ago


Seems gamepads aren't recognized in this build, probably due to Snap's sandboxing and the necessary permission not being assigned.

qwertychouskie commented 4 years ago

sudo snap connect supertuxkart:joystick fixed things for me. Would be nice to see this fixed before 1.1 hits the stable channel.

lucyllewy commented 4 years ago

I've requested that joystick be connected automatically: https://forum.snapcraft.io/t/auto-connect-joystick-for-supertuxkart/15005

lucyllewy commented 4 years ago

joystick is now automatically connected by the store.