diddlesnaps / tvheadend

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Ubuntu 20.04.1 LTS - TVHeanded not connected to DVR by SNAP #8

Open ropolik opened 3 years ago

ropolik commented 3 years ago


I intall TVHeadend via SNAP to RPI 4 with Ubuntu 20.04.1 LTS.

After problems with missing in configuration of connections PLUG and SLOT between TVHeadend and DVB now TVHeadend installed by SNAP working fine. But I have problems with accessing DVR interface from TVHeadend.

I tried made connection between TVHeadend and DVR:

sudo snap connect tvheadend:dvr

but this SLOT DVR in tvheadend not exist. Not exist DVR interface too.

The existing connections are:

Interface Plug Slot Notes desktop tvheadend:desktop :desktop - dvb tvheadend:dvb :dvb manual home tree:home :home - lxd-support lxd:lxd-support :lxd-support - network lxd:network :network - network tvheadend:network :network - network-bind lxd:network-bind :network-bind - network-bind tvheadend:network-bind :network-bind - system-observe lxd:system-observe :system-observe -

How can I connect TVHeadend to DVR in SNAP ? How can I install DVR interface working with TVHeadend?

Many thanks for any answer

lucyllewy commented 3 years ago


I'm not sure what you mean by "connect TVHeadend to DVR". The DVR feature of TVHeadend is accessible via the web interface. The web interface is accessible at http://example.com:9981/. (replace example.com with either your device's IP address, or a hostname by which your device is accessible)

ralf33609 commented 3 years ago

I think the thread opener had the same problem that I had. (dvb adapter not working) on Ubuntu 20.04.2 lts: sudo snap install tvheadend start Ubuntu software app then enable permission for tvheadend for dvb tvheadend does still not find my working dvb adapter /dev/dvb/adapter0 My solution: (missing dependencies) sudo apt install dtv-scan-tables dvb-apps (only my missing dependencies, perhaps there are more.) I found that solution by removing tvheadend-snap and trying a deb repository install and looking for missing dvb packages.