dideler / dotfiles

:page_facing_up: These are my dotfiles. There are many like them, but these are mine.
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Consider switching to a different fish plugin manager #23

Open dideler opened 5 years ago

dideler commented 5 years ago

Been using fisherman for a few years: https://github.com/jorgebucaran/fisher

Recently did a fisher update to update the installed packages and fisher had a v2 to v3 upgrade which caused things to break. I'm spending a Sunday evening figuring out what went wrong, deleting the old installation, reinstalling all the plugins, and updating my published packages.

I didn't bother reinstalling every package - here are the ones I decided to keep:


I want something stable and simple. I don't have the patience anymore to spend my limited personal time unexpectedly fixing a broken environment - I just want my tooling to work smoothly in the background and not bother me so I can get on with other things and not spend any more time behind the computer.

To avoid further messing things up, I finished the v2 to v3 migration. Now's a good time to consider alternatives. One that looks interesting is https://github.com/danhper/fundle.