didierterrien / Power-BI-Sidetools

Power BI Sidetools is a free Power BI external tool intended to increase productivity during reports development in Power BI desktop.
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Sidetools does not work when projects folder is pointed to within my Documents folder in OneDrive #10

Closed hcc-donder closed 3 years ago

hcc-donder commented 3 years ago

By default, the projects folder is in C:\Users\user\Documents\Power BI Sidetools. However, my Documents folder is not at this location, but is in my OneDrvie instead (C:\Users\user\OneDrive - organization name\Documents). When I change the project folder to be within this folder, Sidetools no longer works - at all. The directory name is only 82 characters long, so that does not seem to be the issue and I was able to use a project folder in another location with a space in the name, so that does not seem to be the issue either. I will use it in the default folder for now, but would much rather have it in my OneDrive folder.

didierterrien commented 3 years ago

Hello David, Thank you for the feedback. I suppose when you say "Sidetools no longer works", you mean "PBI to files" no longer works but other features work. It's working on my computer. My folder is : "C:\Users\username\OneDrive - companyname\Test" so it's comparable to yours. Do you have admin user rights on your computer ? Have a good day

hcc-donder commented 3 years ago

In my case, none of the features of SideTools were working. I figured out the problem after you said you had it working just fine. I have controlled folder access on my OneDrive folder and SideTools did not have permission to access that folder. I moved the Power BI SideTools folder into a non-controlled folder and it worked fine. I did not realize it was being blocked because it was silent about the error. Normally, Windows tells me when a app is trying to access a controlled folder but this time it did not.

Thanks for following up. This is a great tool and I look forward to using it in the future. David

didierterrien commented 3 years ago

David, I will control if the folder is read only and will display a message. Let's keep the issue open until I will do it. Thank you for your help to make Sidetools better. Didier

didierterrien commented 3 years ago

Hello David, I improved file access error detection in version 1.2.1 published yesterday. I close the issue but feel free to re open it if necessary.

dmonder commented 3 years ago

Nice. Thank you for fixing that. I just tested it and it worked well.