didierterrien / Power-BI-Sidetools

Power BI Sidetools is a free Power BI external tool intended to increase productivity during reports development in Power BI desktop.
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Only 2 empty folders created when exporting to file #14

Closed b-per closed 3 years ago

b-per commented 3 years ago


When trying to export my (big = 700MB) model to files, only 2 root folders get created, the M and the DAX ones, and then only 1 subfolder is created under M, QG_ Diagnostics. And none of those folders contains any file.

Would there be a way to know why it is failing?

Here is the log:

=== V1.2.1.0 ======================
[05-10-2021 18:10:24]  Folders initialised
[05-10-2021 18:10:25]  Power BI file name identified
[05-10-2021 18:10:26]  Connected
[05-10-2021 18:10:26]  Initialisation completed
[05-10-2021 18:10:26]  Updates checked
didierterrien commented 3 years ago

Hello, Thanks for the feedback. Please confirm your model is imported in the desktop. Does it work with an other pbix using import mode ?

b-per commented 3 years ago

Yes, the model is imported, with a SQL DB as the source. I currently don't have the credentials to the SQL DB though, if it makes a difference.

And, yes also, the export to files works for other PBI files that I have.

didierterrien commented 3 years ago

Credentials are not needed. The model is already imported in the desktop. Can you try after removing some tables ? Can you send to me a simplified pbix without report pages and without big tables ?

b-per commented 3 years ago

After a bit of troubleshooting I found the issue. In "Transform Data", most of my queries are imported from a SQL DB but just a few sources are offline JSON files. After removing those queries from my list (which breaks my model), the PBI to files export works as expected,

Unfortunately, I can't send the file without spending a fair bit of time sanitising the data as it contains confidential information.

didierterrien commented 3 years ago

I don't understand why some queries prevent PBI to files working. If you will have the opportunity to send a pbix in the future, I will check with pleasure. I close the issue for the moment.

b-per commented 3 years ago


I managed to create a minimal file replicating the issue that I raised a few days ago. What would be the best way to share the PBIX? I can't attach it to the issue itself unfortunately.

didierterrien commented 3 years ago

Hello, You can zip the pbix and drag & drop it here. Otherwise you can put it in your Google drive and share it with me (thebipower@free.fr)

b-per commented 3 years ago

Hi Didier,

Here is the zipped file (still failing with 1.2.3) Example Failed Export.zip

didierterrien commented 3 years ago

Hi, Thank you ! I will check it quickly

didierterrien commented 3 years ago

Issue is solved in version 1.2.4. I will publish it soon. Much much easier with a sample file ! Thank you for your contribution.

didierterrien commented 3 years ago

I just published version 1.2.4 solving this issue Thanks for the feedback !