didx-xyz / ssi-trust-registry

Trust Registry for Self-Sovereign Identity Ecosystems
Apache License 2.0
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Receive requests to onboard Issuers and/or Verifiers #29

Open jakubkoci opened 1 year ago

jakubkoci commented 1 year ago

User Story:

Additional Requirements:

To do:

Supported DIDs for issuers:

Does the did have to be published on the ledger? Do we want to verify that before accepting or approving the submission?

Supported DIDs for verifiers:

Information we want to capture per issuer/verifier:

jakubkoci commented 1 year ago

I feel we can implement this story in 3 iterations:

  1. Add submission (or request, I just wanted to distinguish from the HTTP request) endpoint, with automatic approval.
  2. Add verification of DID signature. That, by default, requires DID resolver functionality.
  3. Remove automatic approval, and continue the work in #30

To the first point. If we want to deploy it to production, we have to somehow restrict access to the endpoint. Even if we remove automatic approval, we perhpas don't want that anyone can send a submission. Ideas: