Hi I am using angular2-powerbi library. But there is no option to enable/disable fillterPane/navContentPane.
How do i pass these options when i am using powerbi-component. Please see the code below.
"<"powerbi-component embedUrl="{{EmbedUrl}}" accessToken="{{Token}}" tokenType="{{TokenType}}" type="{{Type}}" id="{{ReportId}}"></powerbi-component">"
Hi I am using angular2-powerbi library. But there is no option to enable/disable fillterPane/navContentPane. How do i pass these options when i am using powerbi-component. Please see the code below. "<"powerbi-component embedUrl="{{EmbedUrl}}" accessToken="{{Token}}" tokenType="{{TokenType}}" type="{{Type}}" id="{{ReportId}}"></powerbi-component">"