diegoaldarondo / Label3D

Labeling GUI for multi-camera tracking
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Trouble finding video paths #28

Open davidjamespritchard opened 2 months ago

davidjamespritchard commented 2 months ago

This might because I have done something stupid, but I have been trying the example code with my own folder and I keep getting the following error:

Index exceeds the number of array elements. Index must not exceed 0.

Error in example (line 87)
vr = VideoReader(videoPaths{1});

My only changes to the code are:

projectFolder = 'D:\dannce\';


calibrationPaths = collectCalibrationPaths(projectFolder, "stereoParams.mat");

My videos and calibration files are each in folders (called "videos" and "calibration") within D:\dannce. I have two videos in the folder right now ('Left.mp4' and 'Right.mp4') and have tried changing videoName to either name or to '*.mp4' as well as the original name.

I am not sure what I am doing wrong so any advice would be really appreciated.

Sarahzzzzz commented 2 months ago

Hello, have you solved this problem? I have the same issue,thanks.

hpay commented 1 month ago

Are you using https://github.com/diegoaldarondo/Label3D/blob/master/example.m?

If so, I believe the issue is that the function collectVideoPaths.m called with only two input arguments expects the video files to be in a folder that starts with "Camera". Try restructuring your video folder, or calling collectVideoPaths with a third input, or just editing collectVideoPaths to produce a non-empty output