diegoceccarelli / json-wikipedia

Json Wikipedia, contains code to convert the Wikipedia xml dump into a json/avro dump
Apache License 2.0
252 stars 42 forks source link

issue-45 #47

Closed sparrowV closed 3 years ago

sparrowV commented 4 years ago

changed maven assembly plugin to maven shade plugin

sparrowV commented 4 years ago

@diegoceccarelli I updated project via git pull(added this repository as remote) and I guess it also picked up my previous commits, can you just pick up the last commit? With commit id 7bbbdf67b3ff22021ba6160953368314f7721419

diegoceccarelli commented 4 years ago

hey @sparrowV, thanks for the PR and sorry for the delay. No problem with PR commits - we squash the commits before merging into master (all your commit will become a unique commit).

If you want to fix the commit history a way to do that is:

  1. Don't develop your feature into your local master, use a different branch you can do that by running git checkout -b issue45

  2. Now you have branch issue45 with the content of your master branch (your commits)

  3. Let's do another copy git checkout -b issue45-backup

  4. Go back to master: git checkout master (Notice I removed the -b)

  5. Get the latest version of the master: git fetch origin

  6. Let's bring back the master to the original state (the one on github): git reset --hard origin/master

  7. Back to the issue issue45: git checkout issue45

  8. Let's change also the history of issue45 to match master git reset --hard origin/master

  9. You just want to add your last commit now git cherry-pick 7bbbdf6 This will apply the commit on top of your current branch.

For the PR:

  1. Could you please update the title of the PR and add a description of the change? (atm is issue 45, you can put something like "Replace assembly with shade plugin #45 "

  2. As a result of the change, the jar will have a different name and the way java will run it will be different, you can call it with java -jar $jar rather than java -cp $jar java.Mainclass - could you update the scripts and the README also?

diegoceccarelli commented 3 years ago

Moved to https://github.com/diegoceccarelli/json-wikipedia/pull/54