Support filling in cited item metadata using the citation text in the References section of the citing item, for example:
F. Brasileiro, J. P. A. Almeida, V. A. Carvalho, and G. Guizzardi,“Applying a Multi-Level Modeling Theory to Assess TaxonomicHierarchies in Wikidata,” inProc. of the 25th International Con-ference Companion on World Wide Web. International WorldWide Web Conferences Steering Committee, 2016, pp. 975–980.
There are tools to convert these to BibTeX, hence relating this to #4.
Also, automatic citation extraction tools such as Grobid should do this at some point, so relating this to #61 as well.
Given that this would simplify adding citations, relating this to #39, #111 and #15.
Support filling in cited item metadata using the citation text in the References section of the citing item, for example:
There are tools to convert these to BibTeX, hence relating this to #4.
Also, automatic citation extraction tools such as Grobid should do this at some point, so relating this to #61 as well.
Given that this would simplify adding citations, relating this to #39, #111 and #15.