diegogentilepassaro / min_wage_rent

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Production task PROOF: Proofread spelling, grammar, etc #237

Closed santiagohermo closed 2 years ago

santiagohermo commented 2 years ago

In this paper we will perform a general proofreading of the paper, including both the main text and the appendices.

We will implement task PROOF from the gslab manual.


If you feel like some sentence or idea could be worded better, flag that and propose an alternative.


Relevant version of the paper: min_wage_rent.pdf

santiagohermo commented 2 years ago

Common typos to look for, from @santiagohermo's experience:

santiagohermo commented 2 years ago

Juan Pereira agreed to read the paper for this task. I will send him the paper via email.

santiagohermo commented 2 years ago

We will use this branch to incorporate feedback from Jon Roth, Peter Hull, and Neil Thakral.

Here are comments from JR: min_wage_rent_JR.pdf

gabrieleborg commented 2 years ago

@santiagohermo I finished the proof read. I added few comments in the PDF here, and fixed a couple of typos in the latex files (also reported in the PDF)


santiagohermo commented 2 years ago

Comments by Juan Pereira: min_wage_rent_JP.pdf

santiagohermo commented 2 years ago

Grazie mile @gabrieleborg ! I will go through the changes as soon as I have some time.

diegogentilepassaro commented 2 years ago

@gabrieleborg thanks for noting that the sample of tab:heterogeneity was different. Fixed in ac00464. The changes in the table are below for reference:

Screen Shot 2022-07-15 at 1 49 53 PM

In summary:

santiagohermo commented 2 years ago

I collapsed the comments by @gabrieleborg and Juan Pereira in min_wage_rent_PROOF_GB_JP.pdf. I will go through them now.

santiagohermo commented 2 years ago

Note: branch updated from master

martingallardo23 commented 2 years ago

Small tip here: I think the "by c." in the appendix is a typo https://github.com/diegogentilepassaro/min_wage_rent/blob/dfaa2ea857e42125031c97a23529e139a51eb088/paper_slides/paper/appendix.tex#L175-L177

santiagohermo commented 2 years ago

Thanks @martingallardo23! Fixed in https://github.com/diegogentilepassaro/min_wage_rent/commit/c4718164a81b1507ed7239e0cc42fe1bc9368f6d.

santiagohermo commented 2 years ago

I replied to JR's comments and implemented changes in the commits above. Annotated PDF is min_wage_rent_JR_SH.pdf.

I compiled the paper in https://github.com/diegogentilepassaro/min_wage_rent/commit/71091cd6a904bff49c9c10f6d2d6c45ad82c3859. I will send it to Neil T so that he makes comments on a more updated version.

santiagohermo commented 2 years ago

fyi @diegogentilepassaro @gabrieleborg @martingallardo23

santiagohermo commented 2 years ago

Replies to @gabrieleborg and JP are in min_wage_rent_PROOF_GB_JP_SH.pdf. I forgot to upload them before!

Can you take a look @gabrieleborg and @diegogentilepassaro? I left some requests there I believe.

santiagohermo commented 2 years ago

In the commits above I implemented changes after a pass of PROOF.

I will move to PR.

santiagohermo commented 2 years ago

Continues in its PR #242

santiagohermo commented 2 years ago

Summary: In this issue we conducted production task PROOF. Final versions of annotated PDFs:

Task was reviewed jointly with #238.

Changes merged to master in https://github.com/diegogentilepassaro/min_wage_rent/commit/b86d3754a60574c6d73af6020108bef1c4a4f125