diegogentilepassaro / min_wage_rent

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PR for #224: Production task REF: Check references #239

Closed santiagohermo closed 2 years ago

santiagohermo commented 2 years ago

This is a PR for #224 @martingallardo23 @gabrieleborg. To-dos in this branch, before merging:

Let me know if you have any questions!

martingallardo23 commented 2 years ago

I updated biblio.bib with your last comments @santiagohermo. I also noticed that there were some indentations with tabs and other with spaces so I just set them all to spaces (luckily VSCode lets you do that with one click). Let me know if there is anything else!

santiagohermo commented 2 years ago

I updated biblio.bib with your last comments @santiagohermo. I also noticed that there were some indentations with tabs and other with spaces so I just set them all to spaces (luckily VSCode lets you do that with one click). Let me know if there is anything else!

Gracias @martingallardo23! Tus cambios están muy bien. (Y lindo VSCode, para esas cosas está muy piola tener un editor polenta)

En https://github.com/diegogentilepassaro/min_wage_rent/pull/239/commits/e97d63d9e3277ae78f9c3936d101f71fbba7b9d5 compilé el paper. Si ves que todo está bien (no ?? en el paper), podés liquidar este issue mergeando y con un summary comment?

martingallardo23 commented 2 years ago

@santiagohermo Hice el merge con tu ultimo compile, pero agregué un cambio menor después. Si podés compilalo de nuevo cuando puedas (yo sigo sin poder, las referencias siguen rotas en mi LaTeX), y sino lo dejamos para alguno de los otros issues.

martingallardo23 commented 2 years ago

Summary here