diegogentilepassaro / min_wage_rent

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Submit to AER #247

Closed santiagohermo closed 1 year ago

santiagohermo commented 1 year ago

In this issue, to be completed after #223, I will submit to the AER.

santiagohermo commented 1 year ago

Note: branch updated from master after merging #223

santiagohermo commented 1 year ago

I need your help here @diegogentilepassaro @gabrieleborg @martingallardo23, to satisfy requirements to submit to AER.

1) The AER requires to flag the appendix as "online". Can you check that I correctly flagged all the appearances of "Appendix" with the word "Online" @martingallardo23? You should look at the version of the paper committed in https://github.com/diegogentilepassaro/min_wage_rent/commit/9bc83477394dc463b85afcab8a3a4acc85edc86c

2) The AER requires a "running head", which is a text of 67 word or less, and an Abstract of less than 100 words. Can you write these out @diegogentilepassaro @gabrieleborg?

Just to give some context, this is how the first page of the submission website looks: image

martingallardo23 commented 1 year ago

No encontré ningún "Appendix" sin el "Online" @santiagohermo!

santiagohermo commented 1 year ago

Thanks @martingallardo23! Let us know if you can help with point 2 here, @diegogentilepassaro @gabrieleborg

gabrieleborg commented 1 year ago

@santiagohermo just came back to my laptop from the holidays. I will create the running head and abstract by the end of tomorrow and paste them here. Does that work for you?

gabrieleborg commented 1 year ago

I was looking at how to write a running head, but I realized it's just what they'll print on top of each page. Our title is rather short, so I was thinking we should keep that as running head too?

santiagohermo commented 1 year ago

Thanks @gabrieleborg! That works.

I was looking at how to write a running head, but I realized it's just what they'll print on top of each page. Our title is rather short, so I was thinking we should keep that as running head too?

I had not realized that! Would our title fit on top of the page in one line? Maybe we could go shorter, like "Minimum Wage as Place-Based Policy". I guess it would be helpful to take a look at what other articles do here.

fyi @diegogentilepassaro

gabrieleborg commented 1 year ago

Sounds good @santiagohermo! Let's go with "Minimum Wage as Place-Based Policy".

Here is the 100-words abstract (it wasn't easy!):

We study the effect of minimum wage (MW) changes on local rental markets by defining both “workplace” and “residence” MW. We derive a housing partial-equilibrium model, and we estimate the rent elasticity to both measures using Zillow ZIP code-level data. We find that a 10 percent increase in the workplace MW only increases rents by 0.69 percent, decreasing to 0.47 if residence MW also increases by 10 percent. We then study the incidence of a federal and city counterfactual policy increase: landlords pocket 9.2 and 11.0 cents for every additional income dollar. However, incidence varies systematically across space.

Let me know what you think!

santiagohermo commented 1 year ago

Thanks @diegogentilepassaro ! I agree, it was a completed task to squish the abstract in 100 words haha, that's why I couldn't do it right away.

I will review your suggestion, add it to the paper, and submit :D

santiagohermo commented 1 year ago

Here is a revised proposal @gabrieleborg @diegogentilepassaro. I dropped the specific numbers and tried to focus more on the message.

The effect of local minimum wage (MW) policies on local rents depends on the commuting structure. We derive a partial-equilibrium model that suggests a summary statistics approach: the effect of the MW on rents depends on a ``residence'' and a ``workplace'' MW measure. We use Zillow ZIP code-level rents and commuting data and estimate the elasticity of rents to each MW measure, finding results consistent with our model. Using our estimated elasticities we study federal and city counterfactual MW policies and find that landlords benefit from them. However, the incidence on landlords varies systematically across space.

What do you think?

PS: 100 words is way too short!

santiagohermo commented 1 year ago

Slightly different version @gabrieleborg @diegogentilepassaro

We study the effect of minimum wage (MW) policies on local rental markets accounting for the divergence between residence and workplace locations of workers. We derive a partial-equilibrium model that suggests a summary statistics approach: the effect of the MW on rents depends on a ``residence'' and a ``workplace'' MW measure. We use ZIP-code-by-month rents data and yearly commuting data to estimate the elasticity of rents to each MW measure. Using the estimated elasticities we study federal and city counterfactual MW policies and find that landlords benefit from them. However, the incidence on landlords varies systematically across space.

98 words. No detailed results in the abstract. I will use this version and submit shortly (unless anyone says otherwise in the next few hours).

gabrieleborg commented 1 year ago

@santiagohermo here are few names from the AER Board of Associate. They're all Applied Microeconomists, with interests in labor, public, etc. I haven't reviewed the whole list (it's huge), so if you want to keep screening names, you can start from Paul Grieco.

Gabriele's shortlist:

santiagohermo commented 1 year ago

Thanks @gabrieleborg! That's really helpful. I'll take a look at your shortlist and explore a bit on my own. I'll just pick someone and submit today and submit today


Economists with "related" work.

Potential editors in AEJ Econ Policy:

santiagohermo commented 1 year ago

Submission has been completed @gabrieleborg @martingallardo23 @diegogentilepassaro! Confirmation: confirmation_submission_aer.pdf

CoEditor selected: Chinhui Juhn

santiagohermo commented 1 year ago

Continues in #249

santiagohermo commented 1 year ago

Summary: In this issue we prepared and submitted to the American Economic Review.

Changes merged to master in https://github.com/diegogentilepassaro/min_wage_rent/commit/5eb3690da9dce1e9afecb3d982a6b815b59ce380

santiagohermo commented 1 year ago

I propose to send to AEJ: Economic Policy, and address to Kory Kroft. He seems to be the most appropriate among the coeditors.

EDIT: The FAQs suggest not to address the cover letter to a particular editor. I will thus not do this.

gabrieleborg commented 1 year ago

Hey Santi,

That's ok with me. Thanks for the submission.

santiagohermo commented 1 year ago

I didn't submit yet @gabrieleborg! I just made that comment in the incorrect issue haha, the actual issue is #250. I will let you know when I'm done with the cover letter!