diegogslomp / samba-ad-dc

🐳 Docker image of Samba domain controller compiled from source
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Question about audit module? #25

Closed killmasta93 closed 2 months ago

killmasta93 commented 2 months ago

Hi Currently we installed the vsf modules which is working the recycle bin, but for the audit, it seems its a bit changed as normally we would do this

in the shares add this

vfs objects = acl_xattr full_audit recycle
full_audit:prefix = %u|%I|%S
full_audit:failure = connect
full_audit:success = mkdir rename unlink rmdir pwrite pread connect disconnect
full_audit:facility = local5
full_audit:priority = notice

then go to nano /etc/rsyslog.d/50-default.conf and add this

# First some standard log files.  Log by facility.
auth,authpriv.*                 /var/log/auth.log
*.*;local5;auth,authpriv.none           -/var/log/syslog

local5.notice /var/log/audit.log

then i did a logrotate in /etc/logrotate.d/samba.audit

/var/log/audit.log {
   rotate 7
      /etc/init.d/rsyslog restart > /dev/null 2>&1 || true

in this case the container runs ryslog? or is there way i can do the same thing ? it also seems that the samba version 4.17 changed a few things on the audit https://manpages.debian.org/unstable/samba-vfs-modules/vfs_full_audit.8.en.html


diegogslomp commented 2 months ago

Hello The logrotate package is not installed from default, try to yum install logrotate -y and see if the rotate works. Any trouble let me know.

killmasta93 commented 2 months ago

HI @diegogslomp thank you for the reply, quick gestion installing lograte would create this route for me ? etc/rsyslog.d/50-default.conf as currently using the image of ubuntu

diegogslomp commented 2 months ago

Hello @killmasta93

Try to apt install logrotate -y and add service cron start to the start command, something like: bash -c "service cron start && samba-domain-provision && samba -F" if you are using compose. Any trouble let me know.


killmasta93 commented 2 months ago

hi @diegogslomp thanks for the reply, so i was trying to figure out on the logging feature and so far i got working to log when the computer logs in but cant seem to get the audit working when they open files or delete, as i cant seem to find the syslog of the container I tried reading https://manpages.debian.org/unstable/manpages-dev/syslog.3.en.html and https://manpages.debian.org/unstable/samba-vfs-modules/vfs_full_audit.8


# Global parameters
        ldap server require strong auth = No
        bind interfaces only = Yes
        dns forwarder =
        interfaces = lo ens18
        netbios name = DC1
        realm = TEST.LOCAL
        server role = active directory domain controller
        workgroup = TEST
        idmap_ldb:use rfc2307 = yes
   log file = /usr/local/samba/var/auditlog.log
   max log size = 50
   log level = 2 auth_audit:5
vfs objects = recycle full_audit shadow_copy2 acl_xattr

        path = /usr/local/samba/var/locks/sysvol
        read only = No

        path = /usr/local/samba/var/locks/sysvol/dgs.local/scripts
        read only = No
        path = /usr/local/samba/shares
        comment = shares
        read only = no
        acl_xattr:ignore system acls = yes
        writable = yes
        read only = no
        force create mode = 0660
        create mask = 0777
        directory mask = 0777
        force directory mode = 0770
        access based share enum = yes
        hide unreadable = yes
   recycle:repository = .trash/%U
   recycle:maxsize = 0
   recycle:versions = Yes
   recycle:keeptree = Yes
   recycle:touch = No
   recycle:directory_mode = 0704
full_audit:prefix = %u|%I|%m|%S

full_audit:success = mkdirat renameat unlinkat

full_audit:failure = mkdirat renameat unlinkat

full_audit:facility = local7
diegogslomp commented 2 months ago


You can try adding mkdir, rmdir, read, pread, write, pwrite, pwrite_recv, rename, unlink, connect, disconnect

If you want all parameters you can add all and from there choose which info you need. Any trouble let me know.

killmasta93 commented 1 month ago

hi there, yeah it seems that on the version 4.11 changed the format https://www.samba.org/samba/docs/current/man-html/vfs_full_audit.8.html example like mkdirat still trying to figure out because seems that the logs does not appear clearly

diegogslomp commented 1 month ago

Hello @killmasta93

Try to add all as audit parameter and run smbcontrol all reload-config