diegohaz / bodymen

Body parser middleware for MongoDB, Express and Nodejs (MEN)
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Array of objects sending '[object Object]' to controller #1

Closed peteashworth closed 7 years ago

peteashworth commented 7 years ago

I have the following field being send to node app (created off your generator btw)

links: [{'icon':'path to icon'}]

but once it gets to the controller, it fails due to its converted to '[object Object]'. Confirmed that the array of object is correct if I remove the

body({ links })

Suggestions or bug? Thanks

diegohaz commented 7 years ago

Hi, @PeteAshworth

What is the value of links (the one you send as argument to body)?

I guess it's something like:

links: {
  type: String

If so, you need to change it to:

links: [{
  type: Object
peteashworth commented 7 years ago

Maybe I should dive deeper to understand the package, but here is what I have currently.

Mongoose Model

links: [{
    icon: String,
    url: String


const { ... links } = schema.tree
router.put('/', body({links})

I tried the type: Object within the route body() which gave me [ '[object Object]' ]

diegohaz commented 7 years ago

Oh, I can reproduce it. I'll investigate what is happening. Good catch.

peteashworth commented 7 years ago

Cool; Thank you!

diegohaz commented 7 years ago

Can you please do a fresh npm install and change body({ links }) to body({ links: [Object] })?

It should work now.

peteashworth commented 7 years ago

Thanks for the quick fix. Doing as suggested, I can console log the links and its now showing correctly. Saving it into mongo is a different story (back to [object Object]) but willing to bet its with the _.merge().

Thanks again!

peteashworth commented 7 years ago

all working. Thank you!

diegohaz commented 7 years ago

Yay! 🎉

tomexa commented 7 years ago

I was blocked by this problem too and found my solution here :) I had a mongo validation error because every field of my body that were objects were rendered as [object Object]. You should add the use case with the :[Object] in your Readme ;)

tomgekeerd commented 7 years ago

Got this issue as well, but finally fixed it here. Would there be another solution to add required checks to the object parameters, maybe?