diegomura / react-pdf

📄 Create PDF files using React
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Bu while rendering out a table data in a pdf #2698

Open Pratikisback opened 1 month ago

Pratikisback commented 1 month ago

I was trying to generate a pdf for my itinerary data, where my fourth column is a paragraph, but when the page ends and the space is insufficient for the paragraph, that paragraph moves on to the next page, which makes the pdf look kinda wierd!



import React from 'react'; import { PDFDownloadLink, Document, Page, StyleSheet, Text, View, Html } from '@react-pdf/renderer'; import pdf from '../../assets/Images/pdf.svg' // Define styles for the PDF const styles = StyleSheet.create({ page: { flexDirection: 'row', backgroundColor: '#ffffff', paddingVertical: 20, }, section: { margin: 10, padding: 10, flexGrow: 1, },

header: { marginBottom: 10, fontWeight: 'bold', backgroundColor: '#12c952', fontSize: 14, fontColor: 'white'

}, row: { flexDirection: 'row', borderBottomColor: '#cccccc', alignItems: 'flex-start', paddingVertical: 2,

}, cell: { padding: 5, flex: 1,

}, day: { width: '10px' }, wideCell: { paddingHorizontal: 5, flex: 2, // set the flex value to 2 to make it twice as wide }, wideCell2: { paddingHorizontal: 5, flex: 4, // set the flex value to 2 to make it twice as wide }, });

const Table = ({ data }) => {

return (

Day Time Place Name Info Cost
  {data.map((day, index) => (
    <View key={index}>
      {day.Itinerary.map((item, i) => (
        <View style={styles.row} key={i}>
          <Text style={[styles.cell, { fontSize: '10px' }]} >{day.Day}</Text>
          <Text style={[styles.cell, { fontSize: '10px' }]} >{item.Time}</Text>
          <Text style={[styles.cell, { fontSize: '10px' }]} >{item.Activity}</Text>
          <Text style={[styles.cell, { fontSize: '10px' }, styles.wideCell2]} >{item.Info}</Text>
          <Text style={[styles.cell, { fontSize: '10px' }]} >{item.AverageCost}</Text>


); };

// PDF document component const PdfDocument = ({ data }) => { return (

); };

// Download PDF button component const DownloadPDFButton = ({ data }) => {

return ( <PDFDownloadLink document={} fileName="itinerary.pdf"> {({ loading }) => (loading ? 'Loading...' :

    <img src={pdf} alt='' onClick={() => console.log("pdf")} />


); };

export default DownloadPDFButton;

{ <DownloadPDFButton data={ itirenaryData.response.TravelData && itirenaryData.response.TravelData }


You can make use of react-pdf REPL to share the snippet

If the paragraph doesn't have sufficient space, the whole row should be moved to next page!


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