diegomvh / angular-odata

Client side OData typescript library for Angular
MIT License
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how to access all properties in raw json reply #67

Closed vigouredelaruse closed 1 year ago

vigouredelaruse commented 1 year ago

given a json snippit like below that expands and counts a navigation property, created with a query like so


if this were a $query against the root entityset the library lets you get the count from annots

but how do you get nested counts of navigation properties?, as in this case


as well and related, how does one access the raw json reply?


diegomvh commented 1 year ago

Hello @vigouredelaruse In the current version of the library, the way to access the entity metadata is by using the annots object. In the example you mention.

let tenantEntity = this.tenantsService.entity('ebc3f5cb-65df-4537-8279-08da9757ccd6');
tenantEntity.query((q) => {
  q.expand({AccessControlEntries: {top: 4, skip: 0, count: true}}); 
tenantEntity.fetch().subscribe(({entity, annots}) => console.log(annots.property("AccessControlEntries")));

The property function in the example returns a Map with the values ​​you seek



Motivated by your question, I think it's time to improve this, for a future version of the library. I'm thinking of adding type to the annotations and making the return values ​​of property consistent with the basis of what the annotations and metadata associated with the entity imply. The intention of this change is to return a similar structure that gives information about the metadata of the properties, whether they are collections or simple. I think it would be an interesting addition for the next version of the library (0.110.0) One more comment about metadata and annotations. It is interesting to try the metadata configuration value to full to get as much metadata as possible from the backend. demo


vigouredelaruse commented 1 year ago

thanks for looking into it

not to hijack the question but while on the subject of feature usage/request/buildout: re entity relationship creation (por practicar, cómo cambiar las relaciones entre entidades)

what is, and where are any examples of the library's support for http methods patch, post and put, with the associated odata semantics pertaining to mutating entity relationships

as per the aspnet odata docs here claim the following

A reference has its own URI, with the form /Entity/NavigationProperty/$ref. 
For example, here is the URI to address the reference between a product and its supplier:

To add a relationship, the client sends a POST or PUT request to this address.

PUT if the navigation property is a single entity, such as Product.Supplier.
POST if the navigation property is a collection, such as Supplier.Products.

the payload is supposed to look like this

PUT http://myproductservice.example.com/Products(6)/Supplier/$ref HTTP/1.1
OData-Version: 4.0;NetFx
OData-MaxVersion: 4.0;NetFx
Accept: application/json;odata.metadata=minimal
Accept-Charset: UTF-8
Content-Type: application/json;odata.metadata=minimal
User-Agent: Microsoft ADO.NET Data Services
Host: myproductservice.example.com
Content-Length: 70
Expect: 100-continue

diegomvh commented 1 year ago


vigouredelaruse commented 1 year ago
    photoOfScott.reference().set(photo).subscribe(console.log); // Set is a shortcut for .put()

thanks again