diegopamio / angular-sails-bind

An angular service to bind scope models to sailsjs models thru socket
MIT License
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'undefined is not a function' on Update? #6

Open iDVB opened 10 years ago

iDVB commented 10 years ago

The model collection seems to be initing just fine. However, when I use another browser window to PUT changes to the model, the moment I submit those changes I get this error on the front end of the app... undefinederror

I'm logging out the section of angular-sails-bind.js that is erring out. console

Seems like I'm almost there, but updates is breaking the front end.

diegopamio commented 10 years ago

Ouch. I'll take a look at it today.

Thanks for the help!

Enviado desde mi iPhone

El 06/07/2014, a las 11:52, "iDVB" notifications@github.com<mailto:notifications@github.com> escribió:

The model collection seems to be initing just fine. However, when I use another browser window to PUT changes to the model, the moment I submit those changes I get this error on the front end of the app... [undefinederror]https://camo.githubusercontent.com/446139af22db696f90f7b8477fac3edbf61f8dbd/687474703a2f2f676f6f2e676c2f35577036626e

I'm logging out the section of angular-sails-bind.js that is erring out. [console]https://camo.githubusercontent.com/a9df7e51cd984802fa6ceb8194ec00e2c7be09b3/687474703a2f2f676f6f2e676c2f636541764544

Seems like I'm almost there, but updates is breaking the front end.

— Reply to this email directly or view it on GitHubhttps://github.com/diegopamio/angular-sails-bind/issues/6.

iDVB commented 10 years ago

Seems like it might be a scoping issue? I think the 'this' in this case is supposed to target the array and not the socket?

diegopamio commented 9 years ago

I've made several changes since then, did this issue got fixed?

iDVB commented 9 years ago

Wow, this is an olllllld thread of mine. :D Sorry, I've not been able to retest against the latest version. I guess if it works you can close it?