diejuse / chroot_Maemo-leste_on_Android

Chroot Maemo Leste on Android
MIT License
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Wget don't work anymore #1

Closed hinteor closed 5 months ago

hinteor commented 11 months ago

Device model - redmi note 8t (custom firmware Pixel experience) when trying to download the image using wget, I got the following errors: wget: note: TLS certificate validation not implemented wget: TLS error from peer (alert code 80): 80 wget: error getting response: Connection reset by peer. the latest version of magisk is being used and the version of busybox you recommend is installed.

diejuse commented 11 months ago

You don't really need "wget". You can skip that step by downloading the image yourself from any browser, putting the address: https://maedevu.maemo.org/images/arm64-generic/20200114/maemo-leste-1.0-arm64-raspi3-20200114.tar.gz

diejuse commented 5 months ago

Busybox magisk install is just not needed. Steps to install fixed.