diem-project / diem

Diem CMF CMS for symfony 1.4
MIT License
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Enabling symfony i18n:extract #271

Closed zuhair-naqvi closed 13 years ago

zuhair-naqvi commented 14 years ago

I understand that diem saves it's translations in the db but it would be great if I could extract xliff files for the translations. This is because I'm working on a large multi-lingual e-commerce site where the client prefers to utilise a professional translation agency and the translation agencies usually want content in XLIFF format to use it with CAT (Computer Aided Translation) platforms. It can very cumbersome to manually add translations using the admin interface when dealing with thousands of pages of content in 6 different languages!

Is it possible to write add a task like dm:i18extract which would fetch content from the DB and create xliff files?

zuhair-naqvi commented 14 years ago

Also, can there be a way of importing xliff translations?

ornicar commented 14 years ago

Both are possible... if you develop them :)

zuhair-naqvi commented 14 years ago

Good answer... lol - I'll do that :-)

ornicar commented 14 years ago

By the way you're not the only one needing this. It would be great if you share your work as a plugin :-)