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eCommerce P2M Payments: DIP-158 #166

Closed YinonFirstDAG closed 3 years ago

YinonFirstDAG commented 3 years ago

Created DIP-158 containing eCommerce P2M Payments flows. Resolves #158

dimroc commented 3 years ago

High level feedback summary

Some of this is redundant to previous comments, consolidating here for readability.

  1. InitCommand is redundant merge data into ensuing command

    1. The ensuing command is actually the NotifyReadCommand we are hoping to cut, therefore let's revisit the InitCommand (discussed later). PLACEHOLDER_5a44d617182c876a_0
    2. PLACEHOLDER_5a44d617182c876a_1
  2. Get on the same page on dual attestation timing

  3. Separate states for participants - confusing.

    1. Authorized for sender?
    2. Are these internal, but shared via PaymentActorObject
  4. Resolve the PaymentActorObject issues

    1. Status being part of the object
    2. Using a mutable object with state as an argument doesn’t make the command idempotent. Ie: NOTIFY_READY doesn’t work if recipient or sender has wrong state
    3. Let’s just use the name, address core fields and lean on response
  5. Renaming commands to be less ambiguous and more informative

    1. InfoCommand -> GetInfoCommand
    2. InitCommand -> split into two to prevent ambiguity
      1. AuthorizePaymentCommand
      2. ChargePaymentCommand
    3. ReadyCommand -> NotifyReadyCommand
      1. Notify signal that it’s a sender sent notification
      2. We may want to cut this command altogether
    4. AuthorizedCommand -> NotifyAuthorizedCommand
      1. Prevents ambiguity with AuthorizePaymentCommand
    5. CaptureCommand -> CapturePaymentCommand
    6. VoidCommand -> VoidPaymentCommand
    7. AbortPayment -> AbortPaymentCommand
YinonFirstDAG commented 3 years ago

Agree. Not sure why DIP 8 appears in the pull request. Please ignore it.


On Thu, Apr 29, 2021, 19:17 Dimitri Roche @.***> wrote:

@.**** requested changes on this pull request.

Went ahead and did a first pass. I do think DIP 158 and the changes to DIP 8 would have an easier review process and lifecycle if in separate PRs.

In dips/dip-158.md https://github.com/diem/dip/pull/166#discussion_r623164214:

  • },
  • "action": {
  • PaymentActionObject()
  • },
  • "reference_id": "4185027f-0574-6f55-2668-3a38fdb5de98",
  • "description": "payment request description" +} +```
  • +## PaymentReceiverObject +A PaymentReceiverObject represents the business/merchant in the payment. In P2M scenarios it is the receiver of funds.

  • +|Field|Type|Required?|Description| +|-|-|-|-| +| address | str | Y | Address of the receiver account. The addresses are encoded using bech32| +|business_data|BusinessDataObject|Y|It includes the details of the merchant to be displayed to the payer|

nit: Is it standard in our DIPs to have address interchangeably used to mean receiver accounts or physical address? If so, that's a shame. Otherwise, let's disambiguate it and have physical_address or some other name to prevent misuse.

In dips/dip-158.md https://github.com/diem/dip/pull/166#discussion_r623164800:

+ +Successful authorization will not necessarily be followed by a successful capture. It is possible that the receiver will choose to cancel the authorization and essentially void the payment before it was captured. One possible reason to void a payment is that the products for which an amount was locked are out of stock and cannot be fulfilled. + +--- +## New Structures +--- +This section introduces new structures required for P2M scenarios. +## PaymentInfoObject +The minimal payment details required in order for the payer to decide whether the accept the payment or reject it. + +Field|Type|Required?|Description| +|-|-|-|-| +|receiver|PaymentReceiverObject|Y|The details of the payment receiver (e.g. merchant)| +|action|PaymentActionObject|Y|Information regarding the type of payment and payment amount| +|reference_id|str|Y|Unique reference ID of this payment. This value should be globaly unique| +|description|str|N|Description of the payment. To be displayed to the customer|

reach: Would we also want an optional image url either for the business or product?

In dips/dip-158.md https://github.com/diem/dip/pull/166#discussion_r623168415:

+"sender": {

  • "address": "dm1pg9q5zs2pg9q5zs2pg9q5zs2pg9skzctpv9skzcg9kmwta",
  • "payer_data": {
  • PayerDataObject()
  • } +} +```
  • +## PayerDataObject +The details of the payer. payer_data is the minimal set of payer information required by the merchant to perform risk checks and apply AML policies. +|Field|Type|Required?|Description| +|-|-|-|-| +|given_name|str|Y|Legal given name of the payer| +|surname|str|Y|Legal surname of the payer| +|address|AddressObject|Y|Merchant's physical address information| +|national_id|NationalIdObject|N|National ID information for payer. e.g. SSN|

This optional field seems like overreach. I've never in eCommerce had to send my social security number for an online purchase. Does this happen in other countries? If not, let's cut it.

In dips/dip-158.md https://github.com/diem/dip/pull/166#discussion_r623172925:

  • "legal_name": "Acme Technologies Inc.",
  • "address": {
  • AddressObject()
  • } +} +```
  • +## PaymentActionObject +Information about the payment type (i.e. action), amount and currency.

  • +|Field|Type|Required?|Description| +|-----|----|---------|-----------| +| amount | uint | Y | Amount of the transfer. Base units are the same as for on-chain transactions for this currency. For example, if DiemUSD is represented on-chain where "1" equals 1e-6 dollars, then "1" equals the same amount here. For any currency, the on-chain mapping must be used for amounts. | +| currency | enum | Y | One of the supported on-chain currency types, e.g. XUS| +| action | Action enum | Y | Populated in the request. This value indicates the requested action to perform. For immediate capture and P2P transfer, "charge" is used. For auth and capture, "auth" and "capture" should be used. "capture" can only be performed after a valid "auth" | +| valid_until | uint | N | Unix timestamp indicating until when the payment can be authorized. Once this time has been reached, the payment cannot be authorized and funds cannot be locked. |

This could be required for auth, and capped at say 3 months so we don't have an auth lingering around forever. Reference: https://wallethub.com/answers/cc/how-long-does-a-credit-card-authorization-last-2140697276/

It seems that this object has valid_until optional to support the charge and capture scenarios. What is supposed to happen if it's not set for auth? Error or cap at 3 months at the discretion of the VASP?

In dips/dip-158.md https://github.com/diem/dip/pull/166#discussion_r623175983:

  • "action": "auth",
  • "valid_until": 74000,
  • "timestamp": 72322, +} +`` +### Action Enum +The following values are allowed for the Action Enum +*charge +*auth +*capture`
  • +## PaymentStatusObject +| Field | Type | Required? | Description | +|-|-|-|-| +| status | (Status enum) | Y | Status of the payment| +| abort_code |(AbortCode enum)| N | In the case of an abort status, this field may be used to describe the reason for the abort. Represents the error code of the corresponding error|

Remove parentheses around (status/abort enum)

In dips/dip-158.md https://github.com/diem/dip/pull/166#discussion_r623183682:

+| needs_init_data | ready_for_settlement | All required tasks were performed and the payment is ready for settlement | +| needs_init_data | authorized | All required tasks were performed and the funds are ready to be locked | +| authorized | ready_for_settlement | Funds captured | +| authorized | abort | Payment was voided | +| needs_init_data | abort | Payment aborted before initial data was verified | +| none | abort | Payment aborted before initialization | +| ready_for_settlement | abort | One party aborted the payment even though the other party already notified it is ready to settle the payment. For example, it may happen if the sender does not approve merchant data provided by the receiver + +### AbortCode Enum + void- This abort code should be used for voiding a payment that was previously authorized. For example, the merchant voided the payment because the purchased products are out of stock. It is expected that the sender VASP will respond with void code as a sign of agreement + risk_checks_failed- This abort code should be used when the risk checks performed based on the payer information failed + rejected - This abort code should be used for aborting a payment not covered by other values of the enum + +## New Command Types +The following is a list of new values for the command_type field of the CommandRequestObject. Each command type denotes a step in the off-chain negotiations and specifies the data of the requests and the response + InfoCommand - Allows obtianing payment information based on reference id

type: obtianing

In dips/dip-158.md https://github.com/diem/dip/pull/166#discussion_r623184444:

+| authorized | abort | Payment was voided | +| needs_init_data | abort | Payment aborted before initial data was verified | +| none | abort | Payment aborted before initialization | +| ready_for_settlement | abort | One party aborted the payment even though the other party already notified it is ready to settle the payment. For example, it may happen if the sender does not approve merchant data provided by the receiver + +### AbortCode Enum + void- This abort code should be used for voiding a payment that was previously authorized. For example, the merchant voided the payment because the purchased products are out of stock. It is expected that the sender VASP will respond with void code as a sign of agreement + risk_checks_failed- This abort code should be used when the risk checks performed based on the payer information failed + rejected - This abort code should be used for aborting a payment not covered by other values of the enum + +## New Command Types +The following is a list of new values for the command_type field of the CommandRequestObject. Each command type denotes a step in the off-chain negotiations and specifies the data of the requests and the response + InfoCommand - Allows obtianing payment information based on reference id + InitChargeCommand - Initializes a payment process of type charge + InitAuthorizeCommand - Initializes a payment process of type auth +* ReadyNotification - Notifies the payment is ready for settlement on-chain

I recommend we use the clearer but verbose version: ReadyForSettlementNotification. Ready is too vague and requires cognitive overhead to match w ready for settlement.

In dips/dip-158.md https://github.com/diem/dip/pull/166#discussion_r623193505:

+ +### Abort Sequence - Risk Checks Failed +| Step |Command Type| Triggered by | Description | +|-|-|-|-| +|1|InfoCommand|Sender|The wallet requests payment details using the reference id provided. The receiver will respond with the payment details and merchant data. The wallet will display the payment details so the customer can approve or reject| +|2|InitChargeCommand / InitAuthorizeCommand|Sender|Following customer approval the wallet initializes the payment process and sends the payer data. Risk checks failed. Receiver will respond with abort status| + +### Abort Sequence - Merchant Data Checks (performed by the Sender) Failed +| Step |Command Type| Triggered by | Description | +|-|-|-|-| +|1|InfoCommand|Sender|The wallet requests payment details using the reference id provided. The receiver will respond with the payment details and merchant data. The wallet will display the payment details so the customer can approve or reject| +|2|InitChargeCommand / InitAuthorizeCommand|Sender|Following customer approval the wallet initializes the payment process and sends the payer data. The receiver will respond with appropriate success status| +|3|AbortCommand|Sender|Sender decided to abort. Can happen if the sender does not approve merchant data provided by the receiver| + +--- +# Appendix A - Pre-requisite: Sharing Common Payment Identifier and Address

typo: Pre-requisite is not a hyphenated word. Prerequisite https://www.google.com/search?q=define+prerequisite&rlz=1C5GCEM_enUS929US929&oq=define+prerequi&aqs=chrome.0.0i324j69i57j0l5j0i22i30l3.2026j1j7&sourceid=chrome&ie=UTF-8. Same for other uses of pre-requisite in doc.

In dips/dip-8.md https://github.com/diem/dip/pull/166#discussion_r623194541:

Abstract / Motivation

-Version 0 of the Off-Chain Protocol is described in DIP 1. Version 1 as described here is an extension of the Off-Chain Protocol and adds features to support more advanced functionality - particularly targeted to support merchant use-cases. This is inclusive of pull payments, recurring payments, and auth/capture flows. +Versions 1/2 of the Off-Chain Protocol are described in DIP 1. + +Version 3 as described here is an extension of the Off-Chain Protocol and adds features to support more advanced functionality - particularly targeted to support merchant use-cases. + +This DIP aimed to support a scenario of setting a Diem wallet as a long term payment method in an app or an eCommerce website.

nit: This DIP AIMS to support THE scenario

In dips/dip-8.md https://github.com/diem/dip/pull/166#discussion_r623195106:

Abstract / Motivation

-Version 0 of the Off-Chain Protocol is described in DIP 1. Version 1 as described here is an extension of the Off-Chain Protocol and adds features to support more advanced functionality - particularly targeted to support merchant use-cases. This is inclusive of pull payments, recurring payments, and auth/capture flows. +Versions 1/2 of the Off-Chain Protocol are described in DIP 1. + +Version 3 as described here is an extension of the Off-Chain Protocol and adds features to support more advanced functionality - particularly targeted to support merchant use-cases. + +This DIP aimed to support a scenario of setting a Diem wallet as a long term payment method in an app or an eCommerce website. + +The high level flow is: +1. The user asks to add their wallet to the app as a payment method +2. The merchant VASP genereates a Funds Pull Pre Approval (FPPA) request

typo: genereates

In dips/dip-8.md https://github.com/diem/dip/pull/166#discussion_r623195389:

Abstract / Motivation

-Version 0 of the Off-Chain Protocol is described in DIP 1. Version 1 as described here is an extension of the Off-Chain Protocol and adds features to support more advanced functionality - particularly targeted to support merchant use-cases. This is inclusive of pull payments, recurring payments, and auth/capture flows. +Versions 1/2 of the Off-Chain Protocol are described in DIP 1. + +Version 3 as described here is an extension of the Off-Chain Protocol and adds features to support more advanced functionality - particularly targeted to support merchant use-cases. + +This DIP aimed to support a scenario of setting a Diem wallet as a long term payment method in an app or an eCommerce website. + +The high level flow is: +1. The user asks to add their wallet to the app as a payment method +2. The merchant VASP genereates a Funds Pull Pre Approval (FPPA) request +3. The user approves the FPA in their wallet (VASP)

Is it FPA or FPPA? If there's both can we explain both above.

In dips/dip-8.md https://github.com/diem/dip/pull/166#discussion_r623196754:

+# Disclaimer +--- + +This DIP does not contain the phase of exchanging identifiers between VASPs that is required to negotiate merchant scenarios. + +For the purpose of this document, we will assume that given a payment object with two VASP addresses and some underline indetifier, there is a protocol for exchaning these identities under VASPs (buyer and merchant) without revealing their identities to the public. + +The process described below starts at the phase that both sides have the relevant payment unique identifier (reference) and each VASP knows to corrlate it to its respectful entity under. + +--- +# Synonyms +--- + +For the sake of simplicity, we use the following terms: + "Buyer VASP" - The VASP who submits payment transactions to the blockchain in order to pay to the other VASP + "Merchant" - The VASP who recieves the funds (transaction)

Can we explicitly say Merchant VASP as we have other docs that have a lot of communication between Merchant and Merchant VASP.

In dips/dip-8.md https://github.com/diem/dip/pull/166#discussion_r623197018:

+--- +# Disclaimer +--- + +This DIP does not contain the phase of exchanging identifiers between VASPs that is required to negotiate merchant scenarios. + +For the purpose of this document, we will assume that given a payment object with two VASP addresses and some underline indetifier, there is a protocol for exchaning these identities under VASPs (buyer and merchant) without revealing their identities to the public. + +The process described below starts at the phase that both sides have the relevant payment unique identifier (reference) and each VASP knows to corrlate it to its respectful entity under. + +--- +# Synonyms +--- + +For the sake of simplicity, we use the following terms: +* "Buyer VASP" - The VASP who submits payment transactions to the blockchain in order to pay to the other VASP

We use Customer VASP in other DIPs, can we be consistent?

In dips/dip-8.md https://github.com/diem/dip/pull/166#discussion_r623197456:


-# Fund Pull Pre-Approval -### VERSION SUPPORT: Supported only in version 1 of off-chain APIs +### VERSION SUPPORT: Supported only in version 3 of off-chain APIs + +Establishes a relationship between a buyer VASP and a merchant where the merchant can then pull funds from the buyer VASP without the buyer user approving each transaction, like billing the user without an interaction for each payment. This relationship marked by a unique identifier, that is the **funds_pull_pre_approval_id**. + +## Funds pull pre approval request fields + +The following fields should be used to define a funds pull pre approval request. These fields should be encoded into a series of URL parameters appended to the query string. In case of QR code, the image should include the full link with all parameters. + +| Field | Type | Required? | Description | +|------------------------|---------|------------|------------------------------------------------| +| vasp_address | str | Y | Address of account from which billing will happen. The address is encoded using bech32 and should uniquly identify the merchant. For Diem addresses format, refer to the "account identifiers" section in DIP-5. |

typo: uniquly

In dips/dip-8.md https://github.com/diem/dip/pull/166#discussion_r623198447:


-# Fund Pull Pre-Approval -### VERSION SUPPORT: Supported only in version 1 of off-chain APIs +### VERSION SUPPORT: Supported only in version 3 of off-chain APIs + +Establishes a relationship between a buyer VASP and a merchant where the merchant can then pull funds from the buyer VASP without the buyer user approving each transaction, like billing the user without an interaction for each payment. This relationship marked by a unique identifier, that is the **funds_pull_pre_approval_id**. + +## Funds pull pre approval request fields + +The following fields should be used to define a funds pull pre approval request. These fields should be encoded into a series of URL parameters appended to the query string. In case of QR code, the image should include the full link with all parameters. + +| Field | Type | Required? | Description | +|------------------------|---------|------------|------------------------------------------------| +| vasp_address | str | Y | Address of account from which billing will happen. The address is encoded using bech32 and should uniquly identify the merchant. For Diem addresses format, refer to the "account identifiers" section in DIP-5. | +| funds_pull_pre_approval_id | str | Y | A unique identifier of this pre-approval. Should be a UUID according to RFC4122 with "-"'s included. | +| merchant_name | str | Y | The name of the biller |

I like the use of merchant here. Compared to DIP 158 however, our naming seems inconsistent. In DIP 158 we're hesitant to be narrow and tight in our definitions, and use "payment receiver" and the like. It would be great to be consistent.

On that note, should this object be a PaymentReceiverObject? Seems like no if entirely sent over URL.

In dips/dip-8.md https://github.com/diem/dip/pull/166#discussion_r623200749:


-### FundPullPreApprovalCommand object - Field Type Required? Description
- _ObjectType str Y The fixed string FundPullPreApprovalCommand
- fund_pull_pre_approval FundPullPreApprovalObject Y contains a FundPullPreApprovalObject that either creates a new pre-approval or updates an existing pre-approval. Note that strict validity checks apply when updating pre-approvals, that are listed in the section below describing these Objects. An invalid update or initial pre-approval object results in a Command error
- _reads JSON Object map Y Must be an Object containing mappings of reference_id to latest Version as represented by the cid of the latest Command which successfully mutated the Object referenced by the reference_id. The value in this field must match a cid previously specified by a Command by the _writes parameter on a prior Command for this payment Object. For a fund_pull_pre_approval Command, only zero or one _reads values should be specified since fund approvals are only dependent upon at most one prior Version of an Object. A list with any other number of items results in a Command error. If the list is empty this fund_pull_pre_approval Command defines a new fund_pull_pre_approval. If the list contains one item, then this Command updates the shared FundPullPreApprovalObject.
- _writes JSON object map Y For a fund_pull_pre_approval Command, the _writes field may only be a single key-value pair since a fund_pull_pre_approval Command only operates upon one Object. This field maps the reference_id of the Object being written to its new Version.

+### FundsPullPreApprovalObject + +The structure in this object must be a full funds pull pre-approval and all fields beside the status are immutable after the creation. In order to change the status, one may send only the funds_pull_pre_approval_id and status fields. Updating immutable fields with different values results in a command error, but it is acceptable to re-send the same value. +It should be noted that initial creation of the FundsPullPreApprovalObject can be done by the VASP on either side (buyer or merchant). + + +#### The buyer creates the initial request +A merchant doesn't knows the buyer details upfront, so it use an out-of-band channel to request a consent (e.g. QR code). The buyer wallet (VASP) decode the request and initiate FundsPullPreApproval flow from its side

Just repeating the buyer/merchant link vs payment sender / payment receiver used in DIP 158. Would love consistency.

In dips/dip-158.md https://github.com/diem/dip/pull/166#discussion_r623189211:

+| needs_init_data | ready_for_settlement | All required tasks were performed and the payment is ready for settlement | +| needs_init_data | authorized | All required tasks were performed and the funds are ready to be locked | +| authorized | ready_for_settlement | Funds captured | +| authorized | abort | Payment was voided | +| needs_init_data | abort | Payment aborted before initial data was verified | +| none | abort | Payment aborted before initialization | +| ready_for_settlement | abort | One party aborted the payment even though the other party already notified it is ready to settle the payment. For example, it may happen if the sender does not approve merchant data provided by the receiver + +### AbortCode Enum + void- This abort code should be used for voiding a payment that was previously authorized. For example, the merchant voided the payment because the purchased products are out of stock. It is expected that the sender VASP will respond with void code as a sign of agreement + risk_checks_failed- This abort code should be used when the risk checks performed based on the payer information failed + rejected - This abort code should be used for aborting a payment not covered by other values of the enum + +## New Command Types +The following is a list of new values for the command_type field of the CommandRequestObject. Each command type denotes a step in the off-chain negotiations and specifies the data of the requests and the response + InfoCommand - Allows obtianing payment information based on reference id

Continuing on the trend of stronger and less vague names, I recommend changing InfoCommand to PaymentInfoCommand

It's more consistent with the other names and narrows the scope of the command. As is, Info is far too broad of a term that can be confused for other flows and APIs. Making it more P2M specific will go a long way.

— You are receiving this because you authored the thread. Reply to this email directly, view it on GitHub https://github.com/diem/dip/pull/166#pullrequestreview-648351491, or unsubscribe https://github.com/notifications/unsubscribe-auth/ASQRW5FWHBHGR2ZY3ZY2BEDTLGBCHANCNFSM43EEFMGA .

dimroc commented 3 years ago

@YinonFirstDAG After some more due diligence on traditional payment networks, the P2M data exchange is asymmetric: merchants share their name, address always, but customers often get away with just a name and zip code. Payer Data requires an address, but the fields in AddressObject are all optional. What would the flow be like when only needing zip from a customer? What would it be like it if we needed more? I think about needs_init_data and the return of specific keys to indicate missing information.


YinonFirstDAG commented 3 years ago


Thanks @Dimitri Roche @.***> for the comment above. I assume that you mean that a zip code is provided together with the country (and state if relevant). So basically, it's City, and Address line(s) that will not be sent as part of the payer_data. I see several options:

  1. Define the address object in the DIP and make sure all the fields mandatory (except address line 2)
  2. The receiving VASP can state in the abort message what address fields are missing. As discussed, there are no "step ups", this message will be used for better error reporting, not to allow the sending VASP to send the required information in a subsequent call
  3. Add a structured object to indicate the missing address fields (instead of putting them in the abort message)

Personally, I am leaning towards #1. It makes the flow clear and unambiguous. We can discuss this in tomorrow's meeting.


Yinon Zohar VP Product +972-54-2428595

www.FirstDAG.com http://www.firstdag.com/

On Tue, May 4, 2021 at 6:10 AM Dimitri Roche @.***> wrote:

@YinonFirstDAG https://github.com/YinonFirstDAG After some more due diligence on traditional payment networks, the P2M data exchange is asymmetric: merchants share their name, address always, but customers often get away with just a name and zip code. Payer Data requires an address, but the fields in AddressObject are all optional. What would the flow be like when only needing zip from a customer? What would it be like it if we needed more? I think about needs_init_data and the return of specific keys to indicate missing information.


— You are receiving this because you were mentioned. Reply to this email directly, view it on GitHub https://github.com/diem/dip/pull/166#issuecomment-831658483, or unsubscribe https://github.com/notifications/unsubscribe-auth/ASQRW5FE2MDMGGTBLX4EJOLTL5QTVANCNFSM43EEFMGA .

YinonFirstDAG commented 3 years ago


I went ahead and pushed a new version. It contains the 30 minutes recommendation for the valid_until and specification of AddressObject with the most fields as mandatory. We can change this following our meeting tomorrow if we decide so. I just want Daniel to be able to pull the latest version before adding the dual attestation part. Sorry about that.


Yinon Zohar VP Product +972-54-2428595

www.FirstDAG.com http://www.firstdag.com/

On Tue, May 4, 2021 at 11:12 AM Yinon Zohar @.***> wrote:


Thanks @Dimitri Roche @.***> for the comment above. I assume that you mean that a zip code is provided together with the country (and state if relevant). So basically, it's City, and Address line(s) that will not be sent as part of the payer_data. I see several options:

  1. Define the address object in the DIP and make sure all the fields mandatory (except address line 2)
  2. The receiving VASP can state in the abort message what address fields are missing. As discussed, there are no "step ups", this message will be used for better error reporting, not to allow the sending VASP to send the required information in a subsequent call
  3. Add a structured object to indicate the missing address fields (instead of putting them in the abort message)

Personally, I am leaning towards #1. It makes the flow clear and unambiguous. We can discuss this in tomorrow's meeting.


Yinon Zohar VP Product +972-54-2428595

www.FirstDAG.com http://www.firstdag.com/

On Tue, May 4, 2021 at 6:10 AM Dimitri Roche @.***> wrote:

@YinonFirstDAG https://github.com/YinonFirstDAG After some more due diligence on traditional payment networks, the P2M data exchange is asymmetric: merchants share their name, address always, but customers often get away with just a name and zip code. Payer Data requires an address, but the fields in AddressObject are all optional. What would the flow be like when only needing zip from a customer? What would it be like it if we needed more? I think about needs_init_data and the return of specific keys to indicate missing information.


— You are receiving this because you were mentioned. Reply to this email directly, view it on GitHub https://github.com/diem/dip/pull/166#issuecomment-831658483, or unsubscribe https://github.com/notifications/unsubscribe-auth/ASQRW5FE2MDMGGTBLX4EJOLTL5QTVANCNFSM43EEFMGA .

dimroc commented 3 years ago

Another item I would like to add to tomorrow's agenda is ISO 8583, the standardized messaging framework between issuers and acquirers, the banks in a traditional payment network.
